New Girlfriend

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"Flip! Come in here!" Sergeant Trapp yells from his office. Flip slowly gets up from his desk, tucking away his cigarette into his ashtray. He sighs as he makes his way to Trapp's office. This case was getting heavier by the day.

"Please sit down," Trapp instructs. Flip sits in the uncomfortable office chair and waits for the sergeants next words. He doesn't have any, only slipping Flip a photo.

Flip looks down and sees a woman, a stunning one at that. "What's this?"

"Your new girlfriend," Trapp states it as if it were obvious. "I'm sorry, my new what?" Flip replies, still utterly confused. Trapp huffs, "Breachway's daughter. I want you to get to know her, take her on some dates. Look, the closer you get to him and his family the more trust he's going to put in you." Flip sighs before running a hand through his dark mane and looking back down at the picture in his hand. She was beautiful, he gave her that, but he didn't really feel like wining and dining some stuck-up little princess. "Is that a problem?" Trapp questions. Flip takes his eyes off the photograph, "no, anything to nail these assholes and close this case. Is that all?" Trapp nods and Flip makes his exit. He was about halfway back to his desk before Trapp calls out for him again, Flip turning around in response, "oh, and Zimmerman? Try not to fall in love."

AN: so this is really just a small preview. Please let me know if you'd like to see where this story goes. Chapters from here on out are obviously going to be much longer, but wanted to get some feedback first to see if anyone would actually be interested in reading.

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