Giant Hands

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"He said what??" Lauren croaks, choking on her chicken sandwich. I sigh and nod, "Lor, it was the worst. I didn't even know what to say, but I am NOT going to the station." She nods in agreeance, silently stewing. I look out the window of the diner with a sigh when my eyes catch on the giant man Lauren and I happen to be discussing. "Fuck, Lor, you gotta hide me," I say hurriedly, rushing to throw away my scraps and entering into the kitchen. Lauren follows me closely behind. "What just happened? You look like you saw a ghost." I peek my head up to see Flip walk in...with a black man? I falter on my confusion when Flip turns his head in my direction, resulting in me smacking my head against the wall. "Fuck, that hurt." Lauren stiffles a laugh as I slap her arm, "ow, will you tell me what's going on??"

I don't get a chance to explain before Flo bustles into the back, eyes full of suspicion, "what are you two up to?" We stand up and I make sure to be out of eyesight from Flip's table. "Oh uhhh nothing, just saw a fly," I stutter. She throws back a laugh, "alright well Flip is here and he requested you again. I take it your date went well then?" Lauren and I pass each other a look, "not exactly." Flo leans in ready to hear the gossip and I really don't want to be the one to tell her that her favorite customer is a raging racist. Lauren beats me to the punch, "he's racist." Flo lets out a loud bellow, "honey that man is definitely not a racist. You see the man with him? That's Ron Stallworth, his partner." Lauren and I exchange confused glances before she takes a peek back at the Ron guy. Flip and Ron are laughing heartily at something Ron said. "Lor..." I question, giving her the best friend look. She holds her hands up, "hey, a girl can look. Flo, can I take the table?" Flo chuckles at us both, "sure honey, but Flip was somewhat adamant that it be Lilah." Lauren gives me a look of support before I let out a deep sigh, "I'll take it, but you're going with me so I can get you an introduction to his friend." Lauren smiles wickedly and we make our way back to the front.

Lauren rubs my back, sensing my nerves, and all too soon we arrive to their table. Flip grins at me but grimaces at the expression on my face. I clear my throat and make the first move, "hello gentleman, how are you doing?" Both men smile at me and Ron holds his hand out for me to shake, "hey Delilah, I'm Ron Stallworth, Flip's partner. Who might you be?" He smiles warmly and turns towards Lauren who is now hiding behind me. I push her forward, "this is Lauren, my best friend." She takes his hand and he leaves a kiss on it. I watch as she lets out an uncharacteristic giggle. Oh no, girls got it bad.

"Hey Ron, maybe Lauren could go over the menu with you at one of her tables?" Flip hints. Ron agrees and I send Lauren a panicked expression to which she just shrugs and leads Ron to one of her tables nearby. I turn back to Flip and look down at my shoes, unsure what to say. "You didn't come by the station," he says gruffly. I look back at him bravely, "I must have forgotten." He stands and tucks a piece of hair behind my ear, "I don't think you did Princess." I suck in a breath at his proximity, "maybe I did remember? Maybe I just didn't want to come?" He sighs and sits back down, "I wanted you to come so I could explain everything. The date, what I said, it isn't what you think. Just please swing by after your shift ends, bring Lauren, I'm sure Ron won't complain." I mentally give him a few points for remembering my best friends name and look over at Ron and Lauren laughing. I sigh, "fine. I get off at 8. Were you guys actually here to order this time?" He chuckles and hands me his card, "put us down for two number sevens togo." I roll my eyes and laugh, looking down at his card, "Phillip. I like that." He cringes, "please don't call me that." I pat his shoulder, "oh Phillip, after that date I think I'll call you whatever I want until I decide you're worthy of anything else." I walk away with a wink and ring up his order at the till, smirking when I see his stunned expression.

Lauren and I help pack up their order and send them on their way. "We have to go," Lauren pushes. I roll my eyes for the millionth time. "I don't know if I care to hear anything he has to say. You can have a black partner and still be racist, that means nothing," I say finishing up tidying my last table of the night. "Look, Ron told me something but he made me promise that I'd get you to the station for Flip to explain. If you just hear him out it makes a lot of sense," she smiles. I sigh but don't question her further, knowing she'd never tell me. "You're stubborn, you know that?" I huff. She pulls me in for a hug, "and that's why you love me."

I laugh as we clock out and get in our respective cars. Lauren follows me closely behind, making sure I'm heading to the station. We pull in and I take a deep breath, unsure what lies ahead of me. She tugs me out of my car and I hand her the bags of takeout we brought for the guys. We walk in and Ron waves us over. Lauren hands him the bags, "we brought you guys dinner. Nothing fancy, but we figured you hadn't eaten since lunch." Ron takes them from her with a smile, "thanks doll." She blushes and turns towards me. "Ron, where's Flip?" I ask nervously. Ron chuckles, "he's in that back room pacing." I furrow my brows, "pacing?" Lauren and him exchange a glance, "yeah, he was worried you wouldn't come and then he was worried you would. Put the man out of his misery and just go hear him out."

I nod and swallow the lump in my throat before heading over to the room, hand shaking as I reach for the knob. It screeches open before I can even touch the handle. "Oh shit, I'm sorry...hey, you came," Flip smiles. I push past him and into the room, seeing that it's an interrogation room. I laugh, "you brought me here to interrogate me?" He chuckles and rubs the back of his neck anxiously as he shuts the door, "no, but I really shouldn't be telling you what I'm about to tell you." I stay silent and motion for him to continue. "We're doing an investigation...on your father," he cringes and looks up to me for my reaction. "What?" I whisper back, shocked. "He's the head of the KKK. We want to take them down," he says plainly. I allow myself a sadistic smile, "so what? You thought, get me on your side? Because I'm just like him, huh?" He swallows thickly, "no, well yes, but—" I shake my head and walk to the corner of the room, "I knew it was too good to be true." He stands up but halts at my statement, "what?" I look at him and wave my hand up and down, "that someone like you would even be interested in someone like me." He looks further confused, "what are you talking about?" I sigh and sit down, "you're the first guy to ask me on a date and you just so happen to be ruggedly handsome with—with giant hands." He bellows out a laugh and I glare at him, "have you ever even looked in a mirror?" Now it's my turn to be confused, but he continues, "you're literally the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on. I can't answer or understand how I'm the first person to ever ask you out but I can guarantee it's not because of your looks or personality." I stand up and smile, "you like my personality?" He walks to me and pulls me into him, "yeah, you're kind and funny and a little fiesty." I burrow into his chest and inhale his scent, "you smell nice." He kisses my forehead, "and don't forget about the hands." He laughs as I wack him across the chest.

We both sit back down, seemingly waiting for the other to say something before I speak up, "so when can we take these assholes down?"

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 28, 2020 ⏰

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