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THERE WAS SOMETHING UNSETTLING ABOUT HIM, something you couldn't explain.

His charming character and faultless smile hid something — you just knew it.

"Holy shit, are you eyeing Oh Sangwoo?"

You were quick to pull your gaze away from the said male, meeting the big brown and gleaming eyes of your best friend. You dropped your eyes and frowned before mumbling out, "No."

The brunette haired woman released a laugh before nudging you. "There's seriously no problem with window shopping (Y/N)."

Her words caused your lips to curl in distaste.

If anything, you found him annoying.

You found anyone who would seem full of themselves annoying. Your eyes returned toward the group of students that huddled around the popular bleach haired male.

It caught you by sheer surprise when his gaze lifted, and you sucked in a sharp breath the moment he locked his attention on you.

Something in his eyes flashed just as his mouth curled into a friendly smile.

You tore your gaze away, grasping your things which caused Melanie to look at you with a questioning set of eyes.

"I'm going." You said with a small smile.

"Oh," She frowned. "So early?"

"Yup. Bye Mels."

"See ya chica!" She grinned and you couldn't help but roll your eyes playfully.

You were walking down the sidewalk with earbuds plugged in and the volume up. It wasn't until you felt yourself slam into someone did you look up.

A dark-haired man with a pair of glasses stared down at you with a small smile. You pulled an earbud out, "I'm so sorry," You let out. "I wasn't looking where I was going."

You added before realizing that not only did you bump into a strannger, but you caused him to drop a few of his groceries.

"Here let me help you," You quickly began to pick up as much as you could just as the man crouched down to do the same.

He chuckled, "You don't need to do that."

"You and I both know that is far from the truth," You narrowed your eyes.

Once everything was set back into his bag, you both straightened up. "I'm really sorry," You couldn't help but blurt out suddenly.

His lips were still set into a friendly smile. "Don't worry about it. Seungbae, you are?"

"(Y/N)," You answered with a small smile of your own. He nodded in what you could only assume in understanding.

For a moment, it was quiet. You shifted from foot to foot, not knowing what else to say or do.

By the look on his face – you could tell he was thinking the same. "Right, um, I better get going." You let out a small awkward laugh.

You walked around him, "It was nice meeting you." You added quickly.

"Likewise," He replied.

He was nice, you thought. You couldn't help but glance over your shoulder, watching the stranger before facing forward again.

"I'm home!" You announced.

You pulled off your shoes just as your mother came into view. "Are you hungry? I made kimchi and rice balls." She smiled.

"No thanks," You replied before giving a quick peck to her cheek and racing toward the stairs. You reached your room, tossing your bag off to the side before throwing yourself on the bed.

Exhaustion washes over you and you shut your eyes with a deep sigh. Your mind wandered and you found yourself thinking about a certain bleach-haired male. You recalled Melanie's comment and scoffed, "As if."

You couldn't deny that he was attractive, but his status, the popularity irked you. You couldn't comprehend what was it about him that made him so damn special.

What was so damn special about him that made everyone circle him like hyenas.

You couldn't help but laugh.


A/N: 💛

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