♕Prince Sugawara Koushi♕

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Sugawara Koushi was known to be one of the most beautiful princes in all of the land. He was soon to take over his fathers place and become the new king of Karasuno Kingdom. His father wanted him to marry a princess from a neighboring kingdom so the two territories could join together and become even stronger.

"Koushi, my son," the king started, "have you decided on a fair maiden from a neighboring kingdom to marry yet?"

"Father, must I really marry a princess? You know how responsible and how well I take leadership. I am perfectly capable of leading the kingdom myself.", Koushi responded.

"Yes, you must. Do you wish for our nation to remain small and be at threat of being seized? If you marry then our kingdoms will join, we will be stronger, and won't be at much of a peril.", stated the king.

Suddenly an idea popped into Sugawara's head.

"Say father, what if I was to marry a princess from the Seijoh Kingdom? Would that be alright?", Suga asked.

"Absolutely not.", was all his father answered with.

"But why father? They are as just a great kingdom as any other, if not greater. They are wealthy and powerful, joining them would do a great deal for us."

"Must I say it again? You know how our kingdoms have been feuding and don't get along, so why bring it up?"

"Okay, sorry father."

And with that Sugawara got up from his chair after finishing his breakfast and left the dining room.

He wandered through the big halls of the castle, letting his thoughts roam his head. He thought about his fathers constant questions about marriage and about the new responsibilities he'll be taking on when he becomes king. It was all too much for him and approaching too soon.

To the outsiders eye, Suga seemed perfect and in control of everything going on. He thought so himself too, but deep down he wasn't really sure of it anymore. With all these overwhelming thoughts clouding his head, Suga decided to go for walk outside the castle. He figured maybe some fresh air would help clear his mind.

Suga made his way over to the greenroom where there was a door leading out the back of the castle. When he got there he took a quick peak around to make sure there was no one nearby to see him sneaking off, as he was not permitted to leave without his personal body guard, Daichi Sawamura. His father worried too much for him and did not want to lose him just like he had lost his mother.

After making sure the coast was clear, Sugawara slipped out the door and was making his way down the stone path. He breathed in the crisp air surrounding him while admiring the view of the village off to the side. Watching all the townspeople move around and go about their daily lives, unbothered and no major responsibilities to undertake like ruling an entire kingdom. Sometimes Suga wished he could be like them and live a normal life where he didn't have to worry and try so hard to impress others.

It was not before long when Suga had reached the walls surrounding the kingdom. The gate leading outside was still open for it did not close until dusk and Sugawara was not planning to be out on his walk for that long.

He continued on the path which had now become just a dirt trail winding into the forest encircling the state. Sugawara continued to admire the scenery he was taking in around himself.

He listened to the sounds of the birds chirping, the slight breeze rustling the leaves on the trees and through his silky silver hair, the water running in a stream not too far off, and his shoes making contact with the dirt below him every step he took.

He watched the birds occasionally dance among the trees, a Monarch butterfly here, a Tiger Swallowtail there. He watched the small scattered patches of flowers bathe in the sunlight that made it through the blockade of tree leaves in the sky.

Suga loved every little bit of it and cherished moments like these, when he had only the company of himself and sneaked off to places he wasn't allowed without his guard. The excitement and peace of mind it brought was one of Koushi's favorite things.

Still walking along the dirt trial, Sugawara stared at the ground while counting his footsteps like a young child when all of a sudden he bumped into something he wasn't expecting. Or rather someone.

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