♛Prince Oikawa Tooru♛

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Oikawa Tooru was considered to be one of the most beautiful princes in all of the nations. He was soon to inherit his father's position of the throne and become the new king of Seijoh Kingdom. Just like many other young princes from other kingdoms, Tooru's parents wanted him to be wed to a fair princess so the two kingdoms could join together. Unlike the other princes who probably cooperated with their parents, Oikawa was very reluctant to the idea. He tried so hard to surpass his parents expectations for everything else, so why couldn't he just get a pass this once.

"My dear Tooru," the Queen started off, "I know you don't like the idea, but you must get married. Just like your father says, its for the sake of our kingdom. You want us to be proud don't you?"

And there she went, always pulling up that forsaken phrase that Tooru disliked hearing so much.

"I do, I want you and father to be so very proud of me. But must I really? Can't we just join with another kingdom some other way?", Oikawa responded.

"Tooru, please don't make this difficult for your father and I. This tradition has been going on for many years, you know that already. Now I won't keep pushing if it makes you that upset."

"Thank you mother"

Just as Oikawa was about to get up from breakfast and leave the table, his mother, spoke up.

"But please keep in mind that eventually, within the next couple months, you will have to get married. You know how your father gets when you push things off to the side."

"Alright, I will." And with that, Oikawa left the dining room.

While on his way to his bedroom, he ran into his father. Oikawa already knew what the conversation that was about to take place was going to be about.

The king looked down to meet Oikawa's somewhat avoiding gaze.

"Tooru?", the king asked.

"Yes father?", Oikawa responded still trying to avoid his dad's piercing gaze.

"Have you decided yet?"

"Decided what?", Oikawa replied back pretending to not know what the king was asking about.

"Tooru, don't act childish. You know what I'm talking about. Now please answer my question."

Oikawa briefly met with his fathers eyes before looking away again and answering the question.

"Not yet.", he said in a quiet tone.

Oikawa looked up again to see his father's expression. He could see disappointment in his eyes along with some anger. He knew he was letting down his dad and he wasn't proud of that. He wanted to impress his dad so much but never got the validation he wanted everytime he achieved something.

"You are going to bring downfall to our kingdom, Tooru."

"What?", Oikawa looked up shocked by what he was hearing from his father's mouth.

"You are going to fail as a king and you and the entire kingdom will suffer the consequences. Why can't you be like other princes? Responsible, taking leadership, at least trying to make your mother and I proud?", the king went off in a raised voice.

Appalled by the words being spat out of his dad's mouth, Oikawa could not bring himself to say anything. He tried to reply with something but couldn't with the overwhelming feeling of being crushed swallowing him up. So he just stood there staring off into nothing.

"Just going to ignore me? Tch, what a disrespectful child.", the king finished off before walking away to who knows where.

All Oikawa could do was just stand there. His father's hurtful words running through his mind as he internally crumbled. He couldn't process any of what was said to him. His dad had never talked to him that way. Had it reached a point where Oikawa Tooru was just that much of a disappointment to his parents.

With these feelings, like crashing waves in a storm, consuming him, he felt like he could hardly breathe. He need to get out of the castle, get away from his father, as far as possible and get some fresh air.

He made his way over to the library where Oikawa figured his mother would be since she enjoyed reading so much. He poked his head through the tall doors and gently knocked a couple of times to catch her attention. The queen looked up to see her son very visibly upset. She closed her book that she was reading and set it down on the side table to her right.

"Oh Tooru sweetheart. Is everything alright?", his mother asked.

"Um . . ", Oikawa hesitated before speaking, "I'm going to head out for a walk to get some fresh air. If that's okay with you though?"

"Of course you can dear.", she said with a slight smile. "Whatever will make you feel better. Just don't let you father see you, okay?"

"Okay, thank you."

Just like many other royals, Oikawa was not allowed to leave the manor without his bodyguard, Iwaizumi Hajime. It was considered dangerous and anything could happen outside the castle walls. It was too much of a risk that the royal family wasn't willing to take.

Oikawa gently shut the doors letting his mother get back to her reading. He walked down the halls hoping to not bump into his father until he reached the dining room. He passed by the lengthy table with a beautiful red velvet table cloth spreading from one end to the other. He kept his head low not bothering to look at the lofty colorful stained glass windows to his side that he would always admire while eating in that room. He walked through the doors at the back of the dining room and into the kitchen. Lucky for him there was nobody in there to ask him about anything.

Oikawa walked out of the back door and as soon as the crisp morning air hit him, his feelings became too much for him to handle. Tears burst out of his eyes as those cruel words taunted him inside his head.

"You are going to bring downfall to our kingdom, Tooru."

"You are going to fail as a king."

"Why can't you be like other princes?"

"At least trying to make your mother and I proud?"

"Tch, what a disrespectful child."

He furiously tried to wipe away the tears that kept streaming down his face as he quickened his pace. He needed to get away and fast. He ran down the stone path stumbling as he choked on his sobs.

Oikawa continued to run, not noticing he had passed through the gate leading into the forest encircling the Seijoh Kingdom. It had come to his attention that he was no longer near the kingdom when his legs had become too tired and he stopped running. His tears had also stopped leaving his glimmering chocolate brown eyes red and puffy.

After catching his breath and taking in the beautiful and vibrant scenery, he had managed to calm himself down. He continued walking along the dirt path when he heard the sounds of birds chirping nearby. He looked up to see two birds dancing with each other across the sky.

"Oh to be free as a bird. To be able to soar through the sky with not a care in the world.", Oikawa thought to himself.

With his feet still carrying him onward, he kept his eyes fixated on the beautiful and vast blue sky above him. Just as he was about to drift off into his own little world, it was interrupted when he bumped into a smaller figure. A figure he never expected to impact his life so much.


Authors note:



this chapter ended up way longer than i intended

well i hope you enjoyed it

also sorry if i get kinda slow with writing, im making up this story as i go so i get stuck here and there. BUT if you have any ideas on what'll happen next, i'd be happy to here em

till next time :)

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