• || Chapter One.

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||One • Unexpected Home.

You don't remember much about your past life.

You do know you have a family by blood, but never really had a family by bond. You had drifted away from them, and your home slowly, to where you now barely recognize their faces.

You had, for the past six years, been on your own. Willingly? Not really, but it's kept you alive for the most part. Well, that was until you joined this group who said to have your best interest in mind. You believed them, not seeing the very shady undertone that both the people and residence gave. That time you spent with them didn't last very long, and through having to travel, brought you to a seemingly unlikely pair. And so far, only one of the two were tolerable.

And here you were now, sitting on the left of the very person you found okay, to your standards. A fire burned brightly between the three of you, with nothing but the pops the small fire pit gave off and crickets in the distant area chirping. The silent night air was comforting to you, and it seemed to be the same for the other two. Mostly.

"So," the water user of the three spoke. Long wavy blue hair reached an inch under her shoulder blades, pale complexion, and dark blue eyes. A fur Russian cossack hat was worn atop her head, a long-sleeved dress with a complementary fur shawl, and blackish blue thigh-high boots. The only thing that threw you off was the very long slit through her dress' skirt, that showed off some tattoo or insignia on her thigh. Literally almost everything on this girl had some shade of blue. Hell, you were surprised she wasn't heating up in this weather. "(Y/N)-san, what do you think about our trip so far? We should be getting close to Magnolia in the next day or so."

"Hm...? O- oh!- So far, so good." You gave her a sheepish and slightly awkward smile. You learned her name to be Juvia, and besides the obsessive jealousy she had at the beginning of the journey, she was really kind albeit slightly wary. The silence soon returned, you closing your eyes to enjoy this small moment you had. It stayed that way for another half an hour, until the only male of the three spoke.

"Juvia, go ahead and sleep. I'm gonna take watch." Gray, the name you learned when he introduced himself to you, spoke up to the water user. Then, he turned to you. "You go ahead too, I got this."

"No, no... I'm okay, thank you though." You politely mumbled, curling into yourself as you watched Juvia rest in for the night. Then, it was silent. The serenity you felt coming back to the atmosphere, it was nice. Honestly, if it weren't for the man beside you speaking up again, you would've fallen asleep.

"What do you plan on doing once we reach Magnolia?" You glanced to him for the first time. He was also rather pale, like his far more excited companion, with spiky black hair and dark blue eyes. One thing you noticed was that he didn't like wearing a shirt...? Or that maybe it wasn't his preference? Either way, it wasn't your place to say anything. But besides that, he wore baggy dark grey pants and black boots. He also had a silver cross necklace around his neck.

"I honestly haven't thought about that... well, considering the two things I need currently is money and a place to stay, I need to find some work. Maybe find some cheap apartment or something? I don't know anyone in the area, so hopefully I can find something for myself? I don't know."

"Have you tried a guild?" You turned your head to find him glancing at you. Confused, you questioned him.

"Guild? Like those magic guilds?" He nodded to you.

"Mhm. There's a magic guild in Magnolia called Fairy Tail. Since they're pretty popular, they get really high-paying jobs. Depending on what job you take, depends on how much money you earn." You raised a curious brow to him, smiling slightly.

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