1.01 The Pilot

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Manhattan, New York

Rene sighed as she walked outside of her house, holding her suitcase with her, with her husband behind her. She walked to her car, before turning to her husband.

"Wonder what my mother wants me to come back for this time..." Rene said and her husband, Kenneth chuckled and pecked her lips.

"I don't know, but it must be really important, if she asked the others to come home as well." Ken spoke and Rene sighed once more.

"Yeah... I wonder how long she expects me to stay. I don't wanna be there long." The woman said mad sighed, as she got in the passenger seat of her car. Ken was going to drive her to the airport.

The whole way there, she could only think about how she wanted to stay in New York. She loved her mother, but she really didn't know how long she could stay in that house with her sisters.

Las Vegas

Kristin sighed as she walked to her car, before turning around looking at her best friend, Sondra sighing with a smile.

"Don't forget to call me when you get there." Sondra said and Kristin nodded her head with a smile as she hugged her best friend, before putting her suitcase in the car.

"I will. I wish you would come with me." Kristin spoke and Sondra smiled.

"I would, but there's some things I have to do here. Plus, how do you know Ms. Wilson would want me there?" Sondra chuckled and Kristin playfully rolled her eyes.

"Girl, you know my mama loves you." Kristin spoke, and smiled. "No, I understand. I'll be back in no time." Kristin said and smiled. "Keep showing those pieces I made to someone you think can help!" The girl said and gave Sondra one last hug before getting into the car.

She waved at Sondra as she drove off, still wondering what was going on with her mother. She couldn't think of anything, and she didn't want to assume to worse, but it was getting hard not to do so.

She knew some of her sisters, didn't agree with the lifestyle she lived. She sometimes liked to go to parties and she enjoyed a few drinks when there sometimes. It was mostly Rene. They butted heads a lot sometimes. She didn't know how they were going to handle staying in the same house for however long they had to. Instead of getting a hotel or something, their mother insisted they stay at home. In the house. She wondered why.

Beckinsale, California

Naomi sighed as she pulled up to her mother's house. Her childhood home. The house she grew up in. She got out, going to her trunk to get her suitcase.

She walked to the door of the house, ringing the doorbell. She was greeted by her sister, Robin who opened the door. She smiled, giving her sister a hug.

"It's good to see you!" Robin spoke and smiled as her sister brought her stuff in.

"You too. Do you know what's going on?" Naomi asked and Robin sighed shaking her head.

"No clue. She says she wants us all to be here or something." The girl spoke and sighed. She really wanted to know.

Naomi walked into the kitchen, smiling as she saw her mother, Elma. Elma smiled opening her arms, for her daughter.

"Naomi, oohh it's so good to see you!" The woman said she held her daughter. Naomi noticed that her mother's grip was tight a little, before they pulled away. Elma smiled, touching her daughter's hair. "My beautiful girl!" Elma said and Naomi smiled..

"Mama, is everything okay?" The girl asked and Elma sighed.

"Sweetheart, I'll talk about it with all of you." Elma said and Naomi sighed, as her mother went back to cooking.

Rene sighed as she looked at the front of the house. She moved in when she was a young toddler. Her mother worked hard for this house. She admired that about her mother. How hard she worked. She had only retired just a year ago.

She walked to the door, with her stuff, raising her hand to knock on the door.

"Rene, you're here!" The girl heard and turned and sighed as she saw her sister. Kristin.

"Hello, to you too, Kristin." Rene said and rolled her eyes.

Kristin was about to say something, when the door was opened. They both looked and saw their mother, Elma who had a smile on her face.

"Girls, hello please come in!" The mother said and the two oldest sisters walked into the home. Elma hugged them both, before smiling as she looked at them. "Where were you, before you drove here Kris?" The woman asked and Kristin smiled.

"I was in Las Vegas..." The woman spoke and she saw Rene make a face, out of the corner of her eye.

"Of course you were..." Rene muttered and Kristin turned towards her.

"What is that supposed to mean, Ms. I'm so Perfect?" Kristin asked her sister, already annoyed.

Rene opened her mouth to say something, but she was cut off as her mother stopped her.

"Girls, please get along tonight I don't wanna hear you two arguing the whole time you're here." She said and they sighed, but nonetheless nodded their heads.

Later on that night, the sisters and their mother sat in the dining room, for dinner.

"So, Harriet you're thirteen now right?" Rene asked and she heard a few chuckled around the table. Harriet looked down at her place, shaking her head.

"I'm fifteen now, Rene..." Harriet spoke and Rene made an 'oh' face.

"You'd know that if you visited more..." The girl heard Eden mutter and she sighed.

"I'm very busy-..." The woman was saying, but was cut off by Kristin.

"We all have lives, Rene. But, we make sure we keep in touch with family." Kristin spoke and shook her head.

"Oh, whatever!" The woman said and rolled her eyes.

"Enough!" Elma exclaimed, stopping the noise. "I didn't call you girls here, so you could fight!" The woman told her daughter's upset.

"Then what did you call us here for mama, because-..." Naomi was saying, but she was cut off by her mother.

"I have cancer!" Elma said and there was gasps heard throughout the room. "And there's not anything I can do, and I brought all you girls together to talk to you and tell you. But, you just can't stop arguing!" Elma said and stood up "I raised girls better than this. You girls are sisters! Always, and that's never going to change, no matter how much you argue, fight, or curse each other out!" The woman said and shook her head, looking at her daughters. "Never in my life, did I think I'd see you girls divided. You girls need each other. You're sisters, for life. Above anything. Remember that." The mother said and sighed as she walked away from the table and out of the dining room.

She left the girls there shocked. They never in a million years thought that this would be happening. That their mother would have cancer. That she'd be dying.

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