Chapter Six | The Crew

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Sheela showed Quinn to her bunk that evening. The forecastle was a bit cramped and hammocks hung from the ceiling. Quinn's was in the corner and underneath it sat a chest for her belongings.

"Not the entire crew lives down here, just those who don't want to or can't stay with their parents," Sheela explained.

Quinn wanted to ask why but did not want to pry or seem ignorant. So, she just nodded.

"You'll be woken when it's your time for watch," Sheela said as she walked away. "You have the crappiest time cause you're new, so I suggest you get some sleep!"

Quinn had many questions. Why was it the crappiest time? Would she be on watch alone? What exactly did 'watch' entail? But instead, she took Sheela's advice and got into the hammock.

As it turned out, the reason it was the crappiest time is that you're woken up right before you're deeply sleeping.

"Oi!" a voice jumped into Quinn's vaguely forming dreams. Her hammock swung back and forth as she blearily opened her eyes. "Your watch, newbie."

Quinn sat up and tried to get up as quickly as she could and tumbled to the ground. A chuckle sounded from somewhere above her.

The forecastle was almost pitch-black and Quinn carefully stood up. Cyrus, the quartermaster, stood in front of her.

"You're on with Saoirse," he said, gesturing towards a tall figure with red hair on the opposite side of the cabin. When she turned, Quinn recognised her as the first mate.

"I want you up there with me in one minute," she said and climbed up the steps up to the main deck.

Quinn quickly pulled on her boots, tossed on her jacket and put her dagger in her belt.

Saoirse stood on the quarterdeck. Unsure of what else to do, Quinn went up and joined her. She stood beside her and followed her gaze towards the docks. They stood there in silence for a while.

"Blake spoke to me about your performance at the test," she said finally. "He's the gunner, so he's in charge of fighting and weapons training."

Quinn glanced at her quickly to try to see where this was going, but she was expressionless.

"He says it's clear you have basically no training," she said bluntly. Quinn ducked her head slightly. "But that you're not beyond hope."

"Really?" Quinn asked before she could stop herself.

"I'm going to pretend you didn't say that, so I don't have to go ask Jax why the hell he recruited you." Saoirse's eyes never left the shore.

Quinn nodded and refocused on the island. Saoirse was not exactly warm and cuddly, but she liked that about her.

The night was uneventful and it gave Quinn time to think. She crossed the deck to look out over the water, from where she could see the lights of Auradon. She could imagine the students of Auradon Prep, sleeping safely in their beds, not having to be on guard at all times. She tried not to think about Dad. She had not told him because she knew he would worry – and try to talk her out of it. She had sent a note by mail the morning she left, so he would have received it by now. It was short and to the point.

Dear Dad,

I'm going travelling up north, just to think. I don't know when I'll be back.

I love you,


She had always wanted to go north, so it was believable enough. She just hoped he did not blame himself for her leaving. The last thing she wanted was to hurt him.

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