Chapter five: The end for you has come!

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{Mikes POV}
"What?!" I screamed.

"You should've died.. the bite of '87 should've killed you!" He said. He looked over to me and his eyes were pitch black with a white light in the middle, just like Foxy's.

"J-jeremy?" I said.

"You should be dead." He taunted.

"I-I know.." I said back. Anger washed over me. "BUT IM ALIVE!" I screamed.

"That's not good enough, I'm afraid." He said, giggling lightly.

Then I lost it. I punched Jeremy in the face. His smile went away and I could see his eyes but I punched him again. And then again. "M-Mike!" He screamed and I punched him again.

Jeremy coughed. He coughed up blood.. He was shivering like crazy and crying.

What have I done..... "I-I.."

He flinched when I talked. "Please don't hurt me!" He screamed, tears flooding down his face. He shook and coughed up more blood. "I-I don't w-want to die!" He said, putting his hands on his head and curling up.

{Jeremy's POV}
The pain was unbearable. My whole body shook. My own friend has punched me in the face, multiple times... I coughed up a bit more blood. Flashes of my dad came to my mind and I screamed, "I-I'm sorry!"

I didn't mean to be a pile of shit, I guess I just was. My dad had said that to me all the time and now my only friend wanted me dead.

Mike put his hand forward. "N-no please!" I screamed with all my might. I closed my eyes, ready to feel pain.

But it did not come.

"J-Jeremy!" Mike cried. "Your okay!" He said, hugging me.

I screamed even louder. I couldn't trust him now. I kicked him right in the stomach. I got up and tried to run, but I stumbled and fell down.

This was it.

I was going to be dead.

I could hear something..


I looked behind me. Mike was crying. His tears fell to the cold ground making a pattering sound.

"N-no..." he whispered.

"Why?! God dammit Mike why!" Mike screamed, banging his head on the wall.

"What happened to you Jeremy?! Your eyes were black.." He said.

Then Toy Bonnie burst into the room.

I lied on the ground, still. "Just kill me..." I whispered to Toy Bonnie. I had no life now, Mike hated me. My dad hated me. Everyone hates me..

Toy Bonnie swung and Mike screeched. I flinched and yelped in pain as Toy Bonnie tore open a huge gash on my arm.

And then he left...

"Jeremy!!" Mike called worriedly. I just laid still. I saw blood gush out of my wound.

My vision started getting blurry. Mike raced to my side. "J-just k-kill me now douche." I croaked out. The pain and hurt in his eyes tore my heart open like a claw.

Then everything went black.

{Mikes POV}
"Jeremy?" I yelled and shook him. His eyes closed.

I quickly grabbed my phone and called 911. The ambulance got there in an instant.

They came in though the doors. "Help Jeremy first!" I ordered. They grabbed the huge stretcher and put Jeremy on it. They pushed the stretcher quickly into the ambulance car and said for me to go on a stretcher also.

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