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Marlene lay on her bed listening to Lily's ABBA music, she would sing along to the songs slightly changing the words.
One of her favourite songs came on; Honey,Honey. She loved it because it was one of her and Sirius' songs, there were many nights they would run around the common room singing it to each other. It brought back so many happy memories but with them Marlene felt her heart break even more.
She started singing quietly and thought she could hear something outside her door, she picked up her wand and cast a spell to see through the door, she saw Sirius sat in the doorway singing to the song with tears running down his cheeks. She carried on singing a bit louder and opened the door by the slightest amount, but Sirius noticed this and stood up to walk in.
When he did he saw Marlene sat on her bed hugging her knees still singing, he walked over to her and she pointed to Lily's bed, Sirius got the message and sat down.
'I'm sorry'
Marlene nodded and carried on singing to herself
'I know what I did was wrong and horrible'
Marlene nodded again. 'Look okay I forgive you, it wasn't your fault that she slipped you a potion, but it's not something that is easy to forget'
'I understand.'
The song had changed to Mamma Mia and both of them were singing it quietly

"Yes I've been brokenhearted
Blue since the day we parted
Why? Why? did I ever let you go"

Marlene looked into his eyes and patted her bed.
'With Dot-' Sirius started.
'I don't want to know.'
'No you need to get that you should be blaming me and not her, it wasn't a love potion McKinnon it was a lust potion, everything I did I did willingly.'
'But you wouldn't of if she didn't give you the potion.'
'But it was still me who did it.'
'Why are you trying to convince me to be angry at you?'
'It's because you know what you did was awful but it wouldn't of happened if that girl was such a bitch. Yes I'm still angry with you because like you said you did it willingly but I also understand that the initial thing wasn't because of you.'
'So what are you getting at?'
'That I miss you and I want to be with you but I can't not right now, but I don't want to fight and argue or feel like I have to leave a room if you come in. I need you to know I forgive you and that you need to keep a closer eye on your drink and that going down to get that girl when you were in the infirmary hurt so badly when all I wanted to do was hold your hand and squeeze it and tell you that everything would be okay and that I was annoyed because you were being a dick but I know that I would do the exact same if it was the other way round and-' She took a deep breath 'I love you.'
'I love you too.'
Mar leant backwards against the wall.
'Even for you Mar that was a lot of words.'
'Yeah, definitely.' Marlene laughed and smiled, they spent the rest of the evening singing to all of Lily's muggle music that they had both learnt off my heart.

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It was the last day before the Easter holidays and everyone was packing there stuff up before heading down for breakfast, the sixth year Gryffindor's sat eating and laughing, over the past two weeks Sirius and Marlene had regained their friendship and were very close again.
Everyone made their way to the carriages and got on, the girls in one and the boys in another, when they got to the train they walked to their normal compartment, Marlene was about to sit down when she said.
'Something fell out of my pocket, I'll be back in a minute.'
'What was it?'
'A picture of us all, give me a sec.' She walked off down the train. When she hadn't got back after the train started to move the group started to worry.
'Where is she?'
'She said she would only take a minute.'
'Do you think that she is-' Peter stopped himself when he saw Mary shake her head at him.
'Look..' Lily started. 'She is fine. She's at Hogwarts.'
'But she got on the train with us.'
'When she went to find that picture she got off.'
'Because she didn't want to go home.'
'She would of been at ours.' James protested.
'That is her "home" but she just didn't want to go there.'
'We're going to get her as soon as the train stops aren't we?' James looked at Sirius
'I would of voted to get off before that but sure.'
'No you will not.'
'Emmeline you cant decide what we do.'
'But Mar can decide what she doesn't want to do and that is go with you.'
'Then why didn't we just stay at Hogwarts?'
'Rem tell him.' Tilly said her head resting on Remus' shoulder. He looked at James and Sirius apologetically.
'You knew Moony?'
'You knew she was planning on staying?'
'Look she just wanted to be alone, so much of her life has been crazy since September, and before you say that it would of been fine at your's, this whole thing with Sirius even though you two are friends we all know you both want to date but you can't because she isn't ready, and that on top of the attack on top of the Dot situation on top of her family, she hasn't had time to just relax. You both are so protective of her when you know she could beat any of us except for Mary in a duel.'
'Look we have no idea what happened that night, but she dealt with it. And we all know that she let on less then half of what was going on in her brain, the engagement...she didn't do that to stay in her family she did it to protect you Pads, and you James and Em,Mary,Lily and me. She is a protector and she hates being shielded. It's two weeks at Hogwarts, so none of us are going to contact her. Okay?'
Everyone nodded.
'I still think we should go and get her.' James muttered.
'JAMES!' Lily kicked him.
'LILY!' Lily glared at him
'You are not going anywhere near Hogwarts in the next two weeks I swear James if you do..'
'You'll what?'
'You really want me to finish? Okay. I will break up with you James Potter if you try to make any contact with Marlene.'
'Fine. I can still have an opinion.'
'You two better not put any plans into each others heads.' Mary added.
'She's going to miss three birthdays.' Peter mumbled.
'James', Sirius' and Remus'.'
'We can't have that Lily can we.'
'She's been to five birthday celebrations for each of you I'm sure you will all be fine.'
'That's unfair.'
'There's this thing where you celebrate after the thing has happened, if you couldn't do it on the day, so why don't we do that?'
James and Sirius were ready to argue but saw four pairs of eyes glaring at them.
'Fine, absolutely no contact with Marlene, we get it.'
'It's stupid but we get it.'
The compartment fell silent for a while until the food trolly came around and the atmosphere in the room lifted.

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