"Nothing"-Music Series Pt. 1

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This story is inspired by one of my favorite songs, "Nothing" by Bruno Major. I tried to capture the vibe of the song and the way it makes me feel accurately. I've linked the song so you can check it out here or on Spotify :) This is the first in the Music Series, which will feature different characters and different scenarios like all the other stories, except these ones are the ones that are inspired by music and will include links in them. So if you're looking for new music to enjoy, read on!

This story looks into a sleepless night and a romantic moment shared between a cute couple who are deeply in love. Enjoy!

"Babs" and Isaac

("Babs" POV)

The hot summer air seeped into the house as we slept. Although our house was generally cool, the heat crept its way in like a thief in the night, robbing me of my peaceful sleep as I woke up suddenly, sweaty and immediately full of regret.

Hot, was the only word I could muster to think in my sleepy daze as I rolled onto my back.

As my vision slowly came back to me, I looked around the dark room. A kind of strange mix between minimalist and a cluttered mess decorated the walls. For the life of me, I couldn't get him to stick to a theme that we wouldn't fight over. Although I hated it at first, looking at our things gave me a kind of warm feeling. What was once a chaotic mess was now more of something close to an art piece or a display of some kind, magically transformed by the moonlight that peeked through the blinds. It looked nice for once. As I examined the room I realized that it looked lived in and full of life. It looked like our place. A place just for us. A place that was void of the outside world and its problems. Here, we were at peace. Our room, our space, our home.

I smiled a little at the thought and turned my head to check on the man sleeping next to me. With the covers resting on his waist, Isaac slept comfortably in the summer heat.

I took him in with my eyes and sighed, gazing at every one of the features on his perfect face. He wasn't rugged and he wasn't soft. He was right in the in between with his stubbly chin and his long eyelashes. His broad chest heaved up and down as he breathed in peacefully. His big lips were in a slight pout as his eyebrow twitched. He was dreaming no doubt. I never knew what he dreamed about since he had the tendency to forget as soon as he woke up. I eventually stopped asking.

Isaac had always been insecure about his features; always worrying if he was too "unmanly" and constantly comparing himself to a potato. I never cared what he said because to me he was perfect and that was all that mattered. I always told him that if he was a potato then I was a french fry enthusiast. He always laughed but I knew deep down it meant something to him, even if it did come in such a stupid saying like that. His laugh made 7 years worth it. 7 whole years of eating french fries made me fat with love and I didn't intend on going on a diet anytime soon.

Watching him sleep so peacefully was nice but I envied his ignorance of the heat.

When is that fucking A/C gonna turn on?, I thought to myself as I sighed loudly.

I turned over to face Issac, my eyes trailing down his firm body to where the covers began. Without much thought, I reached out to run my hand down his arm. His skin was surprisingly cool to the touch. It wasn't fair that he was sleeping pretty while I rolled around in my own pool of sweat.

The feel of my hand down his arm was enough to make his eyebrow twitch again, but this time he breathed in deep. His eyes slowly blinked open before fluttering closed again.

"Hm?" Isaac moaned.

Oops. I didn't mean to wake him. I want him to get some sleep...but at the same time, I don't want to be the only one awake.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2020 ⏰

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