Chapter 4

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A knock on the door woke you up, lifting yourself up from the bundle of blankets you buried yourself in last night after the incident. Feeling the sticky tear stained cheeks that was left. You felt too weak to do anything but decided to at least wash your face before opening the door.

You only gave a quick "Be right there" to the person outside. After making yourself decent enough, looking at the peephole that was on your door, you saw that It was a food delivery person. Confusion seeped through you, remembering that you did not really order anything this morning.

Opening the door, the employee only gave you a small smile as they saw you. "Delivery for (y/n)!" A chirp was evident in their voice. "I didn't order anything this morning?" tilting your head in reply to their statement. "Hmm," They pulled out a device in their pocket, opening the app that they use. After a few seconds of looking, they finally saw who originally ordered the food "Ah! It's for (y/n) but was ordered by someone named Takami?" Their voice trailing off in the end in question.

As you heard his name slip from their lips, you only froze on the spot. Your heartbeat quickened as you recalled the memories last night, giving them a nod in reply and slightly opening the door more. "O-oh, that's my-friend" hesitating to say the last word "and, yes I'm (Y/n)...."

A spark was suddenly in their eyes as they confirmed that their customer was you "Good morning! The food is already been paid, so you don't have to worry about the bill," They took out a paper bag that they were carrying in their thermal bag. "We just need confirmation that you received the order." They clicked through their device "Just sign here" giving you the phone and pointing at the black space, you quickly signed on their device. You gave them a small smile, handing back their phone." Have a great day!" quickly leaving the apartment floor, you only figured that they have more orders to deliver.

A sigh escaped you as you saw their form disappearing, the paper bag felt heavy on your hands. You felt a bit of excitement appear on your chest, but only shaking your head to ignore it. Feeling a bit lightheaded as you quietly shut the door behind you and placing the paper bag on your dinner table. The check was stapled on the bag, giving it a quick peek, and seeing that It was food for your hangover.

Letting go the breath that you held, you felt your shoulders loosen. This was Keigo's way of apologizing, giving you the hint that he is always free and it's okay to call him over anytime. You felt like your head was splitting you in half so you don't really have the choice but to accept the food that he ordered, and it's not like you were had any plans on cooking your own breakfast today.

Opening the bag, you took out the food, the smell of good food woke you up. Giving a small smile to yourself as you silently ate the food that was on the table. You pondered on what to do with Keigo, you felt like not talking to him for a while, giving you both enough time to calm down and figure out your feelings.

A ring was suddenly heard throughout your apartment, seeing a notification on your phone. Keigo texted you, a rush of sadness suddenly appeared in your chest. Letting go of a deep breath before checking the text that he sent you. "Hope you like your breakfast~ I'll be doing this every morning now until you start talking to me again." the feeling of guilt washed over you, "I'm probably gonna annoy you in your work too, so don't be surprised if I suddenly turn up at your work place~" You knew how stubborn Keigo can be, so you weren't really surprised at that statement.

You were thankful that his playful nature did not disappear, but you felt like replying to him in your emotional state would only make the matters worse. Deciding that it is better to ignore him for a while, you set down your phone as you continued to eat.

After you finished cleaning up the table, you promised yourself a well-deserved break on this specific day, so you decided to bury yourself in the comfort of your blankets and watch something on the television. Feeling the stress leave your body as you continued to search through the shows.

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