chapter 4- Mornings like these

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Neji turned in the bed, trying to cling on the last bit of sleep. He was exhausted, its been 3 weeks and Tobi short for tobikuma, has been giving both him and Shikamaru a rough time. He was a very fussy baby. it always seemed like everything had to be perfect in order for him to be put to sleep which neji dreadfully knew this trait came from him. At first it was a adorable as he was just a chubby ball of fat fussing around in his crib but to neji it seemed like his son was going to be a headache when he got older. Shikamaru would say. The baby monitor went off and neji painfully opened his eyes, after hearing his son whine over the monitor. He llooked to his right and found an empty bed. Shikamaru's side of the bed nicely arranged. The baby monitor went silent, neji was suprised.

"Tobi?" neji called even though he knew the baby wouldnt be able to respond. Silence...
" Yep, thats my cue to go get my baby" neji sighed.
He got out of bed, fixed his side of the bed, and headed towards Tobi's room. Opening it he found Shikamaru in the rocking chair in the corner of the room rocking the chunky baby in his arms and his son cooing loudly.
"Shika, babe?"
Shikamaru turned towards Neji with a jolt, Tobi cooed loudly, probably suprised by the sudden movement.
"Good morning, I'm suprised your awake. I closed the baby monitor as quickly as i could to allow you to get some sleep."
Neji blushed " Im suprised your actually awake"
"I've become a light sleeper ever since this greedy boy was born" Shikamaru smirked while tickling underneath the baby's chin. Neji hummed, understanding what Shikamaru meant especially agreeing with the greedy boy statement. Tobi loved to eat and he drank alot of milk with no problem but he was a baby and he did need it. He wasn't worried, Shikamaru was a big baby as well so Tobi probably got that from him. Tobi weighed 9 pounds and 4 ounces when he was born and was 19 and a half inches long.
Ouch...just thinking about the birth made Neji wince but when looking at the beautiful baby boy, he could feel his heart flutter. His beautiful baby boy had a head full of dark curly hair, pale eyes with long lashes that rested beautifully on those chubby pink cheeks. He smiled and walked over to his husband and son and placed a gentle kiss on his husband's forehead.
Shikamaru looked up at him with a smile and reached up to hand Neji the baby. Hm, he was finally here.
Neji cradled the little babe and rocked him in his arms. Shikamaru stood behind him and wrapped his arms around them both, rocking them side to side. Mornings like thses were what made life worth living.

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