Chapter Two~

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Credit for the image goes to the creator on Picrew.

"I've been stabbed in the eye so many times I'm surprised I'm not blind."

°Four Years Ago°

"(B/n)... (B/n)... (B/n)... Where the fuck are you!?" You've been searching around your dad's house for a full hour. It wasn't that big but there were quite a lot of hiding spots that he could be in. Especially since he's only 6 and can fit almost anywhere.

You were running around like a madwoman, tears soaking your shirt. 'Where could he have gone?'

Running out of the house and into the alleyway by your house, you saw him. He was surrounded by at least 3 grown men. He was silently crying as they were kicking him, one by one. You stood frozen in horror. Your voice was caught in your throat and you couldn't breath. You knew these men, they were always nice to you, and they were kicking your little brother.

Anger replacing fear, you started running to the males, "HOW DARE YOU FUCKING TOUCH MY LITTLE BROTHER!" With a big push you sent the closest barreling into the other two. You looked over your shoulder to see (B/n) looking at you. You could tell they had broken some of his bones. He was laying on his right side, cradling his left arm. His legs were limp and it looked like they broke those as well.

Anger turned to rage, your blood was boiling. They had the audacity to lay their hands on your sibling. The one who looked up to you as if you were the brightest star in the sky. The one who would comfort you when your mother would make you hate yourself. The one who was always smiling. But there was no smile, his face was twisted in excruciating pain.

You looked back over to the grown men with wild eyes. "Why the hell would you even think you could get away with this? No one, and I mean no one, touches him."

The leader looked at you with regret on his face, "Hey kid, I'm sorry, the boss is the boss. We gotta listen to her orders. You actually weren't supposed to be here yet." You couldn't believe your ears. Your mom told them to do this?

"And what exactly was that order?" You knew exactly what it would have been. If (B/n) was broken it was your punishment. Not your dad's. And they wouldn't have stopped there,

(B/n) would be dead right now if you hadn't intervened when you did...

(1st P.O.V.)

Ah fudge-biscuit, my head is pounding. This pasty-white room isn't helping either. It looks like I'm at the hospital, on... Life support. Dammit, not again. I don't even need to go to the hospital unless it's like, for a vaccine, that's it.

Of course. I have to take all these stupid wires off. I.V, check. Heart monitor, check. All the other thingy-mabobbers, check. Okay, gotta find a doctor and get out of here. Ugh, I don't even have the money for this stupid stuff.

I walk out the door of my room, I was wearing this frilly little hospital dress thing too. *Gag* "Akiraaaaaaa, how long have I been here?" He comes out of nowhere and starts laughing at me. "Y-you've been h-here for a f-full day." By this point he's WHEEZING.

I glare at him, "What the heck, man? Why didn't you wake me up?! Ugh. Whatever. Can you bring me to the front desk, pleaseeeeee best friend?" I change my facial features from a glare to the best puppy dog face I could as I looked at him. He just chuckles and slings his arm around my shoulder. "Well of course, what best friend would I be if I couldn't help my bestie? Just follow me my lady." Pfft- he's starting to sound like Ace with this 'my lady' business.

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