The Introduction

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Ravi- Are you asking about the guy with long dark brown hair?

Me- (in a confused tone) yup.

Ravi- He is the Music professor of the college and son of Dean Yoginder.

I knew I was in trouble but didn’t know that it was a big one. I said Ravi about the incident which happened in the bus. He said it will be fine and Shiv is a really cool guy. Soon the inauguration began awith a morning prayer followed by the speech of Dean Yoginder Verma.

“Good morning students, welcome to the VERMA’S INSTITUTION OF COMMERCE AND ARTS. This is the most reputed college in the city. Each one of u are a representative of this institution. Remember that there is always a line u shouldn’t cross, if you wish to do so you can’t continue in this institution thereafter.”

The speech he gave was more threatening than welcoming. After the inauguration we started moving to our classes. There was a lot of tumult caused by the crowd, which made me loose my balance.

There was a hand which helped me. “hi, I am Vishwa”, he said. All I was able to do was to give a smile, because we were getting squeezed from around. Not too long, we were in the main building searching for our home rooms.

My home room was No.3 which was in the 5th floor. I took the left stairs and looked for the room. Suddenly I felt a bump from back, which made me trip. I held by the wall and fliped back to see what it was. A girl with big, clear eyes covered with a black Wayfarer glasses which made it look more big and clear, wearing a white collage sweatshirt and cream pant.

“oops, my mistake. I really didn’t see that coming” (in a pleasing tone)

“you couldn’t help it, could you? I feel sorry for those who got tripped like this today”

She gave a bright,cute smile with a dimple in between her lips and cheeks

“By the way I am Kriti Verma, Commerce.”

“Oh, great. Myself Archi Shankar. I am Commerce student too.”

“Hmmm what is your home room by the way?”

“No.3,and your's?”


Meanwhile a familiar face walked to us.

“Hey, may I know your home room?”
It was Vishwa from the auditorium.

“Hi, sorry I couldn’t thank you there. Myself Archi Shankar.By the My home room is 3 and her's is 4”

“Thank God even my room is 4 atlast I got a company” (with the long breath)

So finally after 15minutes of searching we found room 4 and the neighbouring room 3.

Kriti- “Finally,ufff”

Me- “ ok guys later”

We entered our respective classes. I saw few seats where I stepped up for the one in the back,but suddenly a black bag was put down by a blue hair girl.

“Sorry man, this one is taken”

I with no other option took the seat front of the previous one. Then came a 6 feet hunky guy who took a seat next to me.

“Hey guys, myself Harsha Vardhan. Nice to meet you.”

Even though he looked tough, I felt him very welcoming.

“Hi, I am Archi Shankar. Nice to meet you too”

Suddenly a face came I between us. “ Hey both of you, I am Ashima”(in enthusiasm)

By the time everyone settled down. Our class teacher came in.

“Hey folks, myself Bishma I will be your class teacher and taking psychology for you. So I would first like to call out the attendance, and as I call out please introduce yourself. Let’s Start with Abishak”

I was the fourth one-“Hey everyone, myself Archi Shankar. I am a cancer survivor. I had lost my eyes in the process and had a transplantation 6months ago.”

I saw some people pity for me, which I hate. A hand form back patted me on my shoulder

“I am sorry Archi. If you want u can take this seat”

“Can I ask you something, please from now on if you pity for me I will have to be far from you”

“okk sorry, you can never get this seat.”(with a small laugh)

I had felt some connection with Ashima and Harsha very soon. After the attendance Mr.Bishma gave a little pep talk about the life, collage and friends. After the class we went around the collage.

Then we went to the cafeteria where I, Harsha and Ashima took a table. Then came vishwa,kriti and other girl.

Vishwa- Hey guys, can we join you?

Harsha- why not, sure if you don’t have any objection.(looking at me and Ashima)

“ Actually I have meet them before.”

So they took seats and everyone introduced themselves. I was curious about the new girl.

“Myself Joshna, how about you?”

“My name is Archi”

“Hmmm,nice to meet you”

“Same here”

While we were talking we heard people cheering "Karna,Karna,Karna”

I ran into the crowd to see what was happening. Karna was on top of a guy punching his face. I pulled him back.

Karna-“If I see you in our college once again, You won’t be able to go back.”

Wait, that means he is not from our college. Who is he? Why is he here?
Let me find out.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2020 ⏰

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