~chapter sixteen~

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[ Hongjoong ]

I wake up when I notice that I had a running nose. I start coughing and my throat starts hurting. I most probably caught a cold.

I reach for some tissues and I quietly go to the living room making sure I don't wake up Seonghwa. He's been having a rough time ever since San left and I think some sleep would do him good.

I freshen up and make myself a bowl of cereal so that I can take some medicine. As I pour in the milk, I feel a pair of arms wrapping around my waist from behind. I turn around and was greeted by Seonghwa's bright smile.

" Good morning beautiful, ", he says, placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

" Morning. Did I wake you up? I felt a little sick, so I woke up early. Sorry. ", I reply, coughing a little.

" Ah baby, what's wrong? Do you want me to take you to the doctor? ", He asks, touching my forehead to check if I was running a fever.

" Thank god. You're not running a fever. It's just a dry cough. How about you take some medicine and take some rest? ", Seonghwa suggests.

" That would be good. Thank you love. Can we watch some T.V and cuddle? ", I ask, while I take my medicine.

" Sure, anything you want baby ", Seonghwa says, while he sets up the couch and turns on the television.

I settle myself on the couch beside him and he hugs me close to his body. What did I do to deserve such a perfect boyfriend? I was blessed to have Seonghwa in my life.


[ San ]

A drink was what I needed right now. It was a long, tiring day. The cafe was super busy and crowded today. Despite Yunho's instructions, I made a lot of mess-ups with the customers' orders.

About that drink, I decided to go to an authentic Japanese Bar, probably try different liquor.

I grab Yunho's keys for his motorcycle and lock the door of the apartment. Throwing over a leather jacket over my shoulder, I make my way out of the building.

I check whether I have my gun for the last time before hopping on to the motorcycle, riding to the nearest bar.

When I reach my destination, I park my motorcycle and enter the venue. It had extremely dim lighting, perfect to my taste.

I settle myself on a barstool as I give my order to the bartender. As soon he serves my drink, I gulp it down within seconds, immediately ordering another.

Within a few minutes, I downed quite a few drinks. I was drunk but not enough to not realize what's happening in my surroundings. I had a pretty high alcohol tolerance, it always worked to my favour.

As I take my eighth drink, I feel a vibration in my back pocket. I pull out my phone and see that it's a text from Wooyoung.

Are u free?
I'm bored.

I'm kinda outside rn.

Ooh, where u at?

.... I'm at a bar?

Sounds kinda fun
Can I join?

I mean...
If you want to, yeah.
You can join me.

Ok then!
Send me your
Be there in 10.

I quickly sent him the location and kept my phone back into the pocket. Having Wooyoung come didn't seem so bad. Plus, who knows he could be great company.


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