Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

In the land of Equinox, there are many myths and legends. Stories passed by word of human mouth tell of mighty Pokemon trainers and their powerful companions. In the humble lives of wild Pokemon, they have stories of their own, telling of great explorers and adventurers that had gone before them. But none were as mighty and victorious as Team Flash. With the help of eyewitness accounts, testimonies, and a Meowth translator, I have managed to compile the story of their rise to fame in this short novel. We will begin our tale with how their team came about, starting with a young Treecko named Scout.

Scout came into the world in the usual way, in an egg. He was an agile and quick Pokémon, and at first glance, seemed like a normal Treecko. But his personality told a different story; he was soft spoken, docile, and scared of his own shadow, unlike most of his species. This was a great disadvantage for him, as Treecko are usually loners. If it wasn’t for a Tailow named Peppy, he might not have survived his first few years alone in the wild.

Peppy came about around the time Scout did. She had just left the nest to be on her own, when her eyes spied a helpless, baby Treecko hiding in the bushes. Feeling sympathy for him, she took in the poor creature and raised him. Not as a son, seeing as how they were about the same age, but as brother and sister. She watched over Scout and made sure he didn’t get himself into scrapes with local brutes, as the forest they lived in had a reputation for being rough. As Scout grew up, he had outgrown his childish look, but his gentle nature still stayed.

Scout wandered the forest floor of the woods he had lived his entire life, wondering what the future had in store for him. He was well aware that he was a coward, and not very strong either, but he had an inner desire to explore and go on adventures. But neither Peppy nor him knew how to fight, so he never brought it up. Ironically, Peppy felt the same way. With a sigh, he continued walking. Little did he know, was that he was trespassing on a certain Ekans's territory, who wasn't very fond of intruders.

Scout jumped at the sound of the Ekans's threatening hiss. The snake emerged slowly, glaring like an awakened Snorlax. Peppy swooped down to his side at the sound of trouble, ready to defend him, but not sure how.

"Sorry to bother you, but he was just passing through." Peppy nudged him forward. "We'll just be going now." Ekans slid in front of them, blocking their way with a sly smile.

"What'sssss the hurry? I've been bored lately, and could ussse a little fun." The snake raced forward, whipping them with his tail. Peppy, enraged, flapped her wings repeatedly, not doing much. Scout whimpered and retreated, only to be cut off by Ekans. He attempted a lunge at him, only to be held back once again by Peppy. Annoyed, Ekans slashed at her, knocking her out.

Peppy! Scout backed up, finding himself cornered against a tree. He yelped as he was suddenly put into Ekans's bind, struggling for air. Somebody! Anybody! Help! As his vision started to fade, he saw a flash of blue and felt the snake's grip disappear. Scout fell to the ground gasping, and turned to see what had saved him.

A Riolu was kicking and punching at the snake, laughing as Ekans fled into the shrubs. The Riolu turned and went back to Scout, helping him up. "Are you alright?" Scout looked up and saw the female Riolu's round eyes and felt a strange sense of calm.

"Y-y-yes...thank you..." He managed to stutter.

"What about your friend over here? She put up quite a fight." She walked over to Peppy and nudged her.

"......Ooooo.....Waa? Ah!!" Peppy jerked awake and flew back.

"Woah woah woah! Don't worry, I won't hurt you!" The Riolu soothed, smiling. "I didn't mean to crash your party; I just happened to overhear your fight and thought you could use some help. My name's Aurora. Yours?" The two introduced themselves, not sure what to think of this newcomer. She was strong and tough, unlike most Pokemon in this region (probably explaining why rogues gathered there to have easy pickings). Yet at the same time, she had an aura of kindness about her. Aurora quickly gained their trust and became friends with the two.

Later that night, the three were resting in the branches of a tree, looking up at the stars. "You know, I've always had this dream to travel." Peppy sighed.

"Me too! And go on adventures!" Aurora added, her eyes sparkling.

"The problem is," Peppy frowned, "I'm not skilled or strong enough to do that yet."

"All it takes is some training." Aurora shot up. She had an idea. "I could help you guys train if you want!"

"Really? That'd be awesome! Let's start tomorrow!" Peppy cheered.

Scout smiled. I’ve never seen Peppy so excited. I don’t know much about fighting or training, but maybe this will be good for me. If this is what it takes to be an explorer, I'm definitely in! As he drifted off to sleep, he thought about the hard work ahead of him, but also of journeying to far-off lands and adventuring new places. Soon, his dream would come true.

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