This Preface

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Just a warning: if you don't like the idea of gay couples then please don't read this. I don't want anyone to get offended. But if you do or just want to read a romance, then come along.

Part One: This Preface

If there is anyone out there who wants to hear a short love story of two torn apart men, then please, keep moving your eyes across the page.

My name is Troy Flare. I write with one purpose. I write because I need to tell you about my close friend and his lover. I need to tell you all these things about him because he is so important to me that I need to tell the world about him. He is Hendrix Michael Blu.

Hendrix was a shy boy who would blush at every complement. All he could do was smile at the world because he was so strangely happy that he always had this wide smile on his face. His glasses made his cyan eyes big for his imagination. He was an artist and a good one too. He made so much money off of the women and men he drew for people. He lived in a mansion across the lake in Santario, Illinois. Of course, his lover was only across the way of this lake in a big, dark, and terrifying mansion that always held masquerades. Hendrix himself had never been to one because the idea of being in a mask around other masked folks scared him. He would be lost in the crowd and swallowed by the people. Take note that Hendrix is only a few inches over five feet.

Now, Hendrix's lover was a scary man. It was said that he wore dark colors and always stayed in his bedroom where no one would find him. He was Grayson Lucifer Prisma. Some said he was like the devil but others said he was only dark and twisted to cover his kind and soft side. It was said he was a quite an interesting man. It was also said that he was quite entertaining when he spoke to you. He was loud, as people would say, and he was the person who had the best stories. He had tattoos that he must have gotten when he was younger and he had a few ear piercings and one nose piercing on the left side. (Or was it the right?) Grayson also had lived in Santario, Illinois. He also lived on the lake where Hendrix stayed. I heard from my girlfriend that the only reason Grayson had thrown so many masquerades, was in hope that Hendrix would wander in one day.
Of course, Hendrix never did.

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