Ace's POV

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"King Dyvran was the mightiest of all the draconia. He led our people away from their war torn homeland to new hope in the land of Gaesal where Lord Athos gave our people shelter and protection from danger within their human settlement. In return, the draconia helped build the floating city of Canmea where we now reside today. Once the city was finished, Lord Athos showed gratitude by making King Dyvran his right hand and giving him magic that turned his wings a pristine white and gold. Side by side the two presided over the city helping it flourish and protecting it from the evils of the world.

That was how it was for many more years, until the rise of Aeldre and his master Agir. Aeldre was a corrupt and fearsome draconia with inky black and purple wings. Aeldre was not a free draconia like King Dyvran, he was in service to his master Agir, a fierce and corrupt dark sorcerer. Together they built an army and declared war on the city of Canmea. The war lasted for five years. The final battle was fought on what is now known as the night of Hope. King Dyvran was leading the draconian charge taking on the wicked Aeldre himself. The city was losing and all hope seemed lost when King Dyvran used the last of his magic to push back the opposing forces. Having been drained of his magic, he was left vulnerable to the wrath of Aeldre who wasted no time in finishing the King off. His sacrifice was not in vain however as it allowed the sorcerers to regroup and with the aid of Lord Athos cast a massive spell that banished Agir and his forces from the land of Gaesal and Aeldre to his prison in the dark realm.

It took many years to rebuild the city and recover from the losses of the war. Grief stricken by the loss of their king, it took years for our people to elect another draconia to take his place. Eventually, Sir Aleks was chosen and after years of training and preparation will be crowned King on the Night of Hope in two weeks."

After recounting decades of history in what feels like one breath, I pause anxiously waiting for Ms.Crowley's reaction.

"Well, it would seem that you know your history quite well Ace, I was worried that you'd forget to include King Dyvran's and Aeldre's wing colours. It's an important part of history and it must be remembered," she lectures.

I internally groan, not this again. "Of course ma'am."

"Good to know you take your history seriously, young individual." At least the woman respects my pronouns

"It seems here that you have passed all your testing with flying colours, which will make you eligible for the internship with Sir Aleks." I finally let out a sigh of relief, I did it!

"But don't get your hopes up young draconia, the likelihood of him choosing you is low, as I'm sure Sir Aleks would much prefer a Dyan intern over an Aeld one.You do understand that Ace?"

There she goes, teachers do love to crush your dreams don't they?

"Yes ma'am, I thought I might as well give it a try"

"I suppose trying is never a bad thing." says Ms. Crowley as she pulls out an official looking document. "This is your certificate of completion, you must bring this with you on Saturday to be let into the hall." She signs the certificate and hands it to me.

I take the certificate from her. "Thank you ma'am." At least all my hard work paid off.

"You're welcome, now send Asriel in next."

I nod my head in understanding before leaving the room. I spot Asriel sitting in a chair off to the side practically shaking. I quietly walk up to her and tap her on the shoulder, she jolts but relaxes once she sees that it's me.

"Your next Asriel, good luck." She mumbles a small thank you as she hurries past me into the exam room.

I quickly scurry out of the building before anyone can ask if I passed or not. Waving goodbye to the sentries on duty I leave school property and begin my trek home. I head down Main Street passing by a bunch of busy shops, occasionally ducking into alleyways and taking side roads to avoid the crowds. Eventually the busy storefronts become houses with young children playing out front supervised by parents or babysitters. Some adults stare at me as I pass, while others beckon their children inside as they see me approach. Others don't care, some children even wave at me. The houses soon fade from pristine high class ones, to middle class ones, to low class. I pass by a couple more houses and apartments before I duck down an alley to reach my street.

I live on the other side of the city from my school, the side where all the "Aeld" draconia live. I don't understand why people call us that -- we have no relation to Aeldre -- we just have darker wing colours or, in my case, purple wings. But because of that people think we're liars, manipulators, thieves, and a bunch of other not nice stuff. So our kind is a lot less likely to be hired, accepted into the guard and military, accepted into prestigious schools, have housing near the town center and the list goes on. My parents both have darker wings, my dad with dark blue, and my mom with brown wings. We don't live a super comfortable life but they always try their best to support me and I always try my best to make them proud. I remember the day when I told them that I got accepted into Cordington Academy with a scholarship too! They were so unbelievably happy! I'll never forget their smiles. I'm the only kid from my neighbourhood -- or really this side of town -- to get into the school. Graduating from there will hopefully improve my chances of getting a good job, though I can never be too sure due to my wing colour. If I get chosen to be Sir Aleks' intern then who knows what possibilities lie ahead.

The simple thought of getting it is making me giddy. I finally reach my house and notice that there's movement in the window. I'm home later than usual, so of course, my mother would be home. I try to gently open the door

CREAAAKKK... well there goes subtlety

"Ace honey, is that you?" my mother calls out

"Yeah, I'm home from my exam!" I close the door behind me and take off my shoes before walking into the kitchen where my mother is most likely preparing dinner. I can't help but smile when I see her, her smiles are quite contagious.

"How'd it go, did you qualify?" she quizzes me excitedly. "No, wait, don't tell me. Let's wait until your father gets home." I chuckle at her excitement. "Understood, I won't tell you until dad gets home."

"Good, now go get changed out of your uniform and help me with dinner"

"Will do mom" I exit the kitchen and head up the old rickey stairs that creak with every step to my bedroom to get changed. I have to be careful not to bang my wings against the wall or banister. I've heard that some of the high-class draconia houses near the centre of town don't have stairs and allow you to simply fly up to the next level like at the academy. But houses on this side of town aren't built with us draconia in mind, most houses aren't.

When I head back down the stairs, free of my school uniform, the aroma of my mom's cooking fills my nostrils.

"What are you making, mom?" I ask as I enter the kitchen.

"Your favourite," she responds not looking up from her cooking

"Lallona Bombe?!?"

"Of course honey, only for you." She turns and wraps her wings around me, pulling me into a hug. Even if you offered me all the riches I could ever want, I'd never give this up. Soon enough my mom's grip loosens and she unwraps her wings freeing me from her embrace.

"Would you cut up some Miarel for me Ace?" she asks returning to the stove

"Of course momma."


CREAAAAAKKKK... Guess my dad is home.

"I'm home! Where's my star student at?" he calls out as I hear the door close.

"In the kitchen!" I answer. He enters the kitchen, his shoulders sagging, steps heavy, clearly tired from a long day's work. Regardless, a soft smile dawns on his face. He pulls me into a hug and ruffles my hair.

"Your dad's home now, so how'd the exam go?" my mom asks as both my parents look at me expectantly.

"Well....." I slowly pull out my certificate. "I qualified!"

The look of excitement and utter joy that crossed my parents' faces is something that I could never forget. Next thing I know I'm stuck in a bone-crushing hug and encased in my parents' wings. We stayed in that position for a while with them whispering how much they were proud of me. I'm going to get this internship and prove to all of the draconia that we Aeld are worthy. I'm gonna make my parents proud. 

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 18, 2020 ⏰

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