Part 15

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     We prepare to leave Rivendell and all of the Elves gather up.  Elrond starts to speak.

"The Ring-bearer is setting out on the Quest of Mount Doom. On you who travel with him, no oath, nor bond is laid to go further than you will. Farewell. Hold to your purpose. May the blessings of Elves and Men and all Free Folk go with you."

 "The Fellowship awaits the Ringbearer" I hear Gandalf say

Frodo turns and walk out of the gates of Rivendell.

I see Aragorn and Arwen exchange one last look before he comes with us. Legolas and I fall back a little.

"Awww so sweet" he smiles

"Alright thats enough" I look at Legolas

"But its sooooo sweet" Legolas says over the top.

"and adorable" I look at Legolas and smile. We start speaking together

"and just adfohdifhov" we start screaming quietly.

"Enough!" he laughs

"So, now you know how it feels" 

"Yeah but, its different"

"How!" we say in unison

"Because we're actually you know like together." we scoff and move towards the front.

I watch Boromir curiously as he's training the hobbits. Good thing Legolas isn't watching because he would bombard me with questions after what he has done to me but theres something about him I didn't see before. 

"Two, One, Five. Good, very good." I hear Boromir say

"Move your feet." Aragorn adds


My attention turns to Gimli as he talks to Gandalf.

"If anyone was to ask for my opinion, which I note they're not, I'd say we were taking the long way round. Gandalf, we could pass through the Mines of Moria. My cousin Balin would give us a royal welcome." Is he really that stupid to be thinking thats a good idea?

"No Gimli, I would not take the roads through Moria unless I had no other choice." At least someone knows..

I see Legolas jumps from one stone to another, noticing something far away in the South
than I see Boromir hurt Pippin's hand


"Aaah!" Pippin kicks Boromir's leg

"Ah!" I chuckle a little as he battles with the hobbits. I see Aragorn intervene but gets thrown back. I look at Legolas and see something. I go up next to him and look.

"What is that?" I hear sam say

 "Nothing, it's just a wisp of cloud."

"It's moving fast.. Against the wind." I realize what it was. 

"Thats not a wisp" I look at Legolas 

 "Crebain from Dunland!"

I hear a bunch of different voices 



"Take cover!"

We get our stuff and go into hiding. Legolas grabs me and pulls me down into a bush. Sam puts out the fire. A huge amount of black birds flies over, cawing loudly. They circle the hill twice, then turn and fly back towards Isengard. We come out of our hiding spots. As I get up, My hair is tangled in the bush.

"Thanks a lot. I think I am capable of ducking down and hiding myself. Now my hair is stuck"

"Wh- Sorry!" I yank the branch and start to detangle it. Once I get it out, I start to brush my fingers through my hair as Gandalf speaks. 

 "Spies of Saruman! The passage south is being watched. We must take the Pass of Caradhras."

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