Chapter 6: Red and Black Meets Silverbeast

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The next afternoon, Crimson city calm and peaceful until a group of armed thugs, burst through the doors of the nearest bank. All of the thugs wore black ski masks, black hooded jackets, pants, and tan boots. And each member of the thugs carried three sacks of money and jewelry.

The sound of the disturbance alerted several nearby civilians, who fled the street in terror.

"Come on morons, lets get out of here before any heroes show up!"

The leader of the thugs exclaimed.

And with that command, the mass of thugs headed toward two gray vans to make their escape.

As the thugs settled into the van, an explosive burst of energy rocked the van.

"What the hell was that!?"

The one of the thugs cried.

The leader turned to him and glared at him.

"Let's find out then."
he said.

And then, he and a few thugs stepped out of the van.

The thugs pulled out handguns and held them at the ready, prepared to shoot anything in their way.

It was silent, until the attacker dropped into the street and in the middle of the thugs, and they were dressed in a red and black super suit, with a black hooded cape and a red leather mask was on her face. And the initials "CS "were on her chest

The thugs flinched and cried out.

"Who the hell are you!"

The leader said.

The super suited attacker glared at him with Mahogany brown eyes.

"I'm Crimson Storm."
She said with a cold tone.

The leader pointed his gun at her.

"Shit, you're the one the news talks about."
"You're the villain slayer."
he said.

Crimson Storm looked at him, her gaze cold and unnerving.

" That's correct, I killed two villains recently, because the were top associates to Doomskull."
"And word on the criminal underworld is that he hires lowlife scum to do jobs just like you're doing right now."

She said.

The thug gulped, as he began to sweat profusely, and he had to remove his ski mask.

"N-no we don't work for anybody, we're independent criminals!"

He said.

Crimson Storm glared at him.

"There's no use lying to me, I can see the skull pin on your jacket."

"Tell me where Doomskull is!"

She growled.

The thug looked down at the pin on his jacket.

"Fuck off super-bitch, I won't sell out the boss."

"He'd kill us for sure!"

He said.

Crimson Storm clenched her fist, as electricity crackled through it.

"I'll kill you first, if you don't tell me where your boss is!"

She roared.

And then she charged at the thug and grabbed him by the throat.

The thug cried out, as his men froze in fear.

"Ah fuck please don't kill me!"

"I'll tell you what you want!"

He whimpered.

Crimson Storm gripped the thug tighter as she brought his face closer to hers.

"I'm listening."

She said.

The thug opened his mouth to say something, but a loud booming voice interrupted him.

"Don't bother to tell the hero shit, the boss sent me to handle this."

It said.

And then the speaker came into view.

Crimson Storm let the thug go, as she recognized the villain approaching.

She growled.

Silverbeast walked closer to the hero.

"I don't believe we met, but something about that suit is familiar."

He said.

The massive man didn't speak as he looked into Crimson Storm's eyes.

"Brown eyes, I've seen the same ones filled with fear a while back."
"But yours, they're full of pain and rage."
He said, as he reached a hand to her hood.

And then Silverbeast pulled it down quickly, as Crimson Storm's red locks spilled onto her shoulders.

"Red hair?"
"That's impossible, you can't be her!"

"You're Crimson Justice's brat!"

He exclaimed.

Crimson Storm glared at him, unafraid.

"I'm not the same helpless girl you kidnapped and tortured once before, I'm Crimson Storm!"

"Scourge to villains like you!"

She said.

Silverbeast laughed.

"Scourge to villains like me?"
"What have you done to earn a tittle like that?"
Crimson Storm moved closer to the massive man.

"I killed your old teammates, Man-Shark and Black Viper."

She said.

Silverbeast could not believe what the young hero had said.

"You killed them!?"

"Doomskull will have your head!"
he bellowed.

Crimson Storm glared at him.

"No matter how many henchmen Doomskull hires, they will all fall before me!"

" And then I'm coming for him!"

She said.

She then charged at him with electrified fists.

"Tell me where he is, NOW!"
she demanded.

Silverbeast dodged her attack, as he cocked back his fist.

"Not today Crimson Brat!"
he said, as he threw a vicious punch into her chest.

The impact sent Crimson Storm flying back, as he fell on her backside.

Silverbeast glanced at her as she got back on her feet.

"Doomskull will strike Crimson City soon enough and once I tell him you're around, he will hunt down the remaining friends and family you have and kill them all, and then Doomskull will kill you ,putting an end to Crimson Justice's legacy once and for all!"
he said.

Crimson Storm readied herself to fight Silverback, but he then pulled a black ball from his pocket and threw it down, creating a thick smokescreen.

Silverbeast was gone, leaving Crimson Storm alone.

Crimson Storm ripped off her mask, as she coughed from the thick smoke.

Damnit, Silverbeast got away but at least I know he'll rear his ugly head soon enough.

She thought.

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