november Part 15

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Galaxy: berr so cold.

Cole: good thing I remember to wear a jacket.

Galaxy: we better hurry , before I freeze.

Cole: that only hapens in cartoons.

Galaxy: hurry! up!

Cole: how did she get over there so fast?

Lloyd: hey love birds hurry up!

Emma: geez, only been dating for  2 weeks and already forgetting about us.

Jessica: Lloyd it's so cold.

Galaxy: i know it would help if we had a vichel.

Lloyd: I told you i'm to tired to drive today.

Galaxy: then I could have drived.

Emma: oh ya your fifthteen you can go for your learners.

Galaxy: that's right I already have my learners.

Lloyd: I still don't trust you.

Galaxy: just trust me for once.

Lloyd: I will.

Kai: there you guys.

Jay: you took forever.

Nya: at least there here now.

Lucy: well ya.

Galaxy: its so cold.

Cole: maybe it might snow.

Galaxy: ah early winter.

Lloyd: maybe.

Zane: good morning everyone.

Pixel: welcome back.

Galaxy: I guess we'll be going to our classroom then.

Pixel: you  must be mistaken.

Lloyd: hu?

Zane: we have been switch to mr wu room.

Galaxy lloyd: uncle wu.

Galaxy and lloyd start smiling.

Pixel: come this way.

Lucy: strange?

Skylor: sister.

Lucy: skylor.

Emma: I guess,  a lot of things are gonna be changing.

Lloyd: yes.

Galaxy: I guess for you guys.

Cole: well things can't all change.

Seliel: hello everyone.

Galaxy: I guess?

Lloyd: we should take are sears.

Galaxy: ya.

Kai: hey isn't the leaf color dance coming up?

Jay: oh ya I forgot about that.

Galaxy: what's the leaf color dance?

LLoyd: basicly everyone would pick a color from the fall colors, and see which  one repersents them selfs.

Galaxy: oh.

Lucy: I think nya wold look great in purple or red.

Nya: lucy honestly, I think you should wear purple.

Lucy: really.

Jessica: hm?

Galaxy: choosing a color?

Jessica: maybe crimson red?

Galaxy: I think that would look great on you.

Skylor: orange.

Emma: yellow.

Seliel: navy.

Galaxy: i'm  the only one who doesn't have a color.

Cole: Iḿ sure you'll find one.

Kai: i'm wearing red.

Jay: i'ḿ wearing yellow.

Zane: purple.

Lloyd: orange.

Cole: a brightish purpley pink.

Galaxy: I see.

zane: pixel are you going to the dance?

Pixel: there is no need for me to go but if you insist.

Zane blushes.

wu:  alright class sit down.

Galaxy sits right beside cole, lloyd sits on the other side of galaxy, jessica is right beside lloyd.

Wu: alright class, today we will be talking about  why fall is important, people and animals and the inviorment.

Wu: who here has good anwsers about fall?

Galaxy raises her hand.

Wu: yes galaxy.

Galaxy: fall is the season of harvest , the fall let's the farmers know there crops are ready,  and it allow hunters to hunt for food for there famlies, and it getting the land and trees, ready for winter, it's getting the land ready for the long rest.

Wu: very good galaxy.

Wu: I want you to right down everything galaxy said.

after class.

Galaxy eats her   sub by herself, untill someone comes up to her.

Cole: hey you got to remember your not alone anymore.

Galaxy: uh ...

Cole holds his hand out.

Cole: you have me now.

Galaxy smiles.

Lloyd: excuse me love birds, are we gonna eat lunch or are yu gonna kiss.

Galaxy: ah.......

Galaxy sits with cole by there friends.

after  lunch.

a guy with blue and pink hair comes in the school.

the guy holds up galaxy chin.

?: hello.

Galaxy: who are you.

?:  cute.

Galaxy: do I know?

?: you do.

Galaxy: tungi?

Tungi: suprised you remember.

Galaxy: geez you got so big.

Tungi: your the one who's got big, your not a litttle girl anymore.

Galaxy heart starts beating faster, Galaxy cheecks turn blushy pink.

lungi: galaxy are you okay.

Lungi feels galaxy head.

Lungi: galaxy your burning up.

Galaxy starts closing her eyes.

Lungi: hang on i'll take you to the nurses office.

Lungi carries her to the nurses office.

they take her to a bed. galaxy rest on the bed.

lungi: te;;s nurse what happen.

Nurse: mr garmadon can you please come down to the  nurses office, one of your childern, aren't feeling good.

to be continued

ninjago cole x galaxy high school story alternet univers 1Where stories live. Discover now