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It's morning,and I had yet another sleepless night. I'm not bothered by it or anything it happens a lot actually. Sometimes I get so lost in my head that I don't even realize I stayed up all night. Today is one of those days where I feel like absolute shit, maybe cus I went out yesterday with my girlfriend and I stayed up till 4 am drinking. She started getting mad at me for drinking too much and left, she's been pissing me the fuck off but it's probably because she cares about me.

I get up from my bed with a terrible headache,I check my phone first and see that Mia called me 42 times and it's barely 9 am. I turn off my phone at night because I don't want people interrupting me while I'm thinking. I don't feel like talking to her at the moment because she pissed me off last night, So I go in the bathroom and I take a 45 minute shower. After my shower I pick up the phone and I call Mia.

*on the phone*
Mia:"finally you answer the damn phone, what took you so long to call me back!?"
Amelia: "I went to take a shower and I didn't feel like talking to you after you acted like a bitch last night"
Mia: ""well sorry for not wanting my girlfriend to end up like her alcoholic father."
Amelia: "id never end up like him and you know that, I can't believe you'd even say something like that Mia."
Mia: "oh please Amelia stop lying to yourself,
you know damn well that your exactly like him. Hurting people everywhere you go I wouldn't be surprised honestly if you ended up like him, A criminal and dead"

Honestly I'm shocked right now, never in a million years did I think she'd bring that up. She knows it's a touchy subject and for her to bring it up pisses me the fuck off.

Amelia: "rot in hell you bitch."
Mia: " the only one rotting in hell right now is your father."

And just like that I hang up the phone and block her number. Yeah we've gotten into arguments over stuff but we've never taken it that far. I quickly put on some grey sweatpants and a blue crop top, I get my car keys and drive to the store to get a new knob on my door. She has keys to my house so I'm changing it. Dammit I had finally found someone who cared about me, or I thought cared about me. I was probably "blinded by love" to even see the red flags.

I arrive at the store and I ask one of the workers if they have knobs,He takes me to them and I pick one out and leave. When I arrive back home I see someone's car and I get confused until I go more into my garage and notice that it's Mia car. I do what any other person would do and I drive away, hopefully she didn't see me but I have to drive far away from my house. Maybe I should get something to eat, I'm pretty hungry, I end up going to chik fil a.

I drive around for like an hour until I end up going to a park, I wish I had brought Henry with me, he'd love this place. Henry is my dog, I've had him since I was a little girl he means so much to me and I left him with that whore in my house. I end up leaving the park an hour later and I drive back to my house, thankfully she had left but she was calling me the whole time I was at the park. I go inside and Henry runs up to me, he truly is the love of my life.
"Hi boy! Want a treat? Yeah? Alright let's go get you one".

Me and Henry end up playing for 2 hours throwing a ball and running all that shit. We end up taking a nap because we got tired. I wake up and so does Henry, I feed him and we watch a movie. I hear a knock on my door and I go to see who it is and it's Mia. Should I let her in? I don't want to but I wanna know what she has to say, so I let her in and I go to sit down with Henry. She just stares at me and it makes me nervous, like hello speak bitch I have anxiety.
"So are you gonna say sorry Amelia?"
Wait a damn minute, I'm not saying sorry I didn't say anything. Who does this bitch think she is. I was gonna apologize after she apologized to me but never mind.
"I'm not the one who needs to say sorry Mia, I didn't say anything fucked up about your family did I?" She stays silent and I just know some dumb shit is about to come out her mouth.
"You're the one who made me say it, I'm not saying sorry for saying the truth Amelia."

This girl is so lucky I care about her because if I didn't I would've beat the shit out of her. "Get out, leave the keys to my door and get out. I think we should break up." She looks at me shocked like if she didn't see it coming, she was the first girl I've ever loved, the first person I've loved since my father, it hurts but I can't have someone disrespecting me and my father. She throws the keys on the couch and leaves, I've been dating her for years but I'm not about to let a breakup make me sadder than I already am so I call my best friend and ask her to get ready because we are going out tonight.

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