Chapter 4

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Travis' POV

Miranda was leading Connor and I to our first class when I noticed Katie wasn't back yet. 

"Hey Miranda? Don't you think Katie should be back by now?" I asked.

"She probably just went to her first class," Miranda said shrugging it off.

I nodded. "Yeah, okay."

We walked into Connor and I's first class. History. Ughhhhh.

We sat for what felt like forever listening to useless information about what we were gonna do the next couple of days. Then, something caught my attention.

Now, if you know me then you know that I don't pay attention in any class no matter how fun it is, but that was until I heard my teacher, Mrs. Lockey, say something about greek mythology.

I raised my hand. "Excuse me? Mrs. Lockey? Sorry I didn't catch that last part. Connor was distracting me. Could you repeat what you said?" I said. 

Connor shot me a glare.

"Sure," the teacher said casually. Huh, that was weird.

"As I just said we will be doing a project on Greek Mythology," Mrs. Lockey continued. "You will be paired up at the random draw of names out of a hat, but that is later this semester."

Mrs. Lockey continued, but I just zoned out. 

A greek mythology section? Sweet!

I was thinking about the project when MIranda burst through the door. 

"Sorry Mrs. Lockey, but this is important I need Connor and Travis immedietly," Miranda said motioning towards us.

Mrs. Lockey nodded and motioned for us to leave. 

We got up and followed Miranda out the door.

"What's this "important" thing you need us for?" Connor asked.

"Its Katie," she said. "She hasn't returned to class yet so I asked if I could go to the bathroom. Then, I decided I should get you two just in case something had happened." 

We nodded and walked toward the bathroom that Katie had went to earlier this morning.

Once we reached the bathroom Miranda motioned for us to wait outside. We nodded.

She walked into the bathroom and we heard screaming. Connor and I locked eyes for a millisecond before Miranda came back out with blood on her hands. 

I didn't wait another second. I rushed into the bathroom my eyes searching for Katie's small body. 

My eyes locked on a human figure. A bloody human figure to be exact.

I rushed over to the figure only to find that it was Karie. 

Sweet, sweet Katie. Lying there bloody with a blade in her hand. 

I took this all in in a second before I picked her up and carried her out of the bathroom trying to hold back tears. 

Why would she do this? I asked myself. What has ever been done to her that caused her to do this to herself?

I looked down at Katie to find her green eyes staring back into my own. 

This was only for a few seconds before she closed her eyes once again.

I raced out to my car and put Katie in the shotgun seat of my car while Miranda and Connor climbed in back. 

"Where are we gonna take her?" Miranda asked through her sobs.

"Camp Half-Blood of course," I said as if it were obvious. "Where else?"

"Um I don't know maybe a hospital!" Miranda shouted back at me before burying herself into Connor's open arms.

"You know that's not gonna help!" I shouted. "She needs nectar and ambrosia and where else is she supposed to get that!" 

Miranda didn't reply. She just cried harder into Connor's chest. 

Connor shot me a glare and I glared right back. 


When we reached CHB I picked up Katie out of the front seat and ran as fast as I could toward the Apollo cabin. 


Several Apolllo healers rushed over with a gurney and swept Katie away. 

I tried following, but several campers stopped me. 


"You can't Travis! You know that! C'mon let's take you to the Big House to lie down," an apollo girl said gently.

I thought abput trying to break through them, but I knew that wouldn't work so I just nodded and they directed me in the other direction towards the Big House.

They lead me through the doors of the big house ans into one of the bedrooms.

I collapsed on the bed and realization hit me: I could lose Katie!

Great! The first girl I've ever loved could be gone because I wasn't there for her!

I should've been there before it happened! I could've stppoed her! I could've-

I felt something sharp enter my back and I was out like a light.


Hey guys! Sorry this is a crappy chapter :/

I promise a better one will come tomorrow or Friday!

Anyway have a wonderful evening/morning/day/night :)

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