[Five- The Morning After]

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It was the morning after the entrance exams and you woke up with a pounding headache. You groaned and silenced your alarm. As you readjusted yourself and got up. You were wearing a sports bra and some shorts as you walked into the hallway smoothing down your erratic feathers. Small grey feathers were taking up the spaces where black feathers fell out yesterday. You winced as you stretched, the bandage over your ribs having a pink splotch in the middle. You walked out into the kitchen about to make coffee when your eyes met a crimson red.

"Bakugou?" you questioned. "What are you doing here? Where's Kiri and Denki?"

"I came alone. I asked for the key," he said holding up the card. "Are you okay?" he asked quietly visibly wincing at the sight of your splotchy bandage. You covered your body with your wings, covering your bandage.

"I'm fine," you said a little more aggressive than you meant. You sighed. "I'm sorry. Want breakfast?" Bakugou silently nodded.

"I'll cut veggies," he said, avoiding your gaze as he got up.

"No, sit. I'm making it by myself. I'm the host," you said, motioning for him to sit back down. He growled, but complied.

You grabbed some veggies, a little bit of meat, and some rice paper.

"Spring rolls?" Bakugou questioned. You smiled and proceeded to cut the veggies. You cut your finger a little (you being the stupid person you are).

"Shit," you mumbled under your breath. Hearing your voice he looked up from his phone. He grumbled is disapproval as he came up behind you.

"What the fuck did you do now, dumbass," he growled. You jumped at the feeling of his hot breath on your feathers.

"Nothing, Bakugou, I'm fine," you said puffing your feather deprived wings to push him back. Despite having feathers brush against his complexion he didn't move, much to your surprise. He growled and tried to smoothe your feathers down. His touch made them puff even more. He growled at your response to his touch. His voice sent a shiver down your spine without your consent.

"O-Oi, knock it off," you managed to stutter out. He realized what he was doing. You could practically feel his smirk.

"What was that," he gruffly whispered. You smacked him with your wings as he chuckled an backed off. He stole a glance at your crimson face and bloody finger.

" 2nd door in the hallway is the utility closet. Go," you said moving him away. He did as you asked and walked down to the closet grabbing a Band-Aid. While he was there, he saw a door ajar. He decided to be nosy and he pushed the door open, revealing your semi-neat room. Your laptop lay open and your bed not made, but other than that it was clean. he picked up a black feather off of your bed.

"BAKUGOU WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING," you yelled from the kitchen. He decided to mess with you and he ran his hand along the feather and then slowly brought it to his lips and breathed hot air onto it. Earning a yelp and a thud from the kitchen. He walked out of your room and into the kitchen with the Band-Aid and the feather to find you on the kitchen floor.

"What the fuck are you doing down there," he gasped between laughs. You scowled at him.

"Denki and Kiri already told you so why should I repeat it," you said crossing your arms. You managed to get back on your feet and balanced yourself with the help of the counter, snatching the band-aid from him. "Asshole," you mumbled.

"Ah ah ah," he said holding up the feather earning a scowl from you. "You're hilarious," he chuckled as he sat back down, watching you tend to your finger and continue cutting. "I told you that you should let me cut them you klutz."

"Shut the fuck up and be grateful that I didn't kick your sorry ass out after what you did on the battlefield," you said with a smirk. You knew that somewhere in his petty, cold heart that he felt guilty. "How about that asshole," you said with a triumphant smirk on your face. You heard the crackly from his hand as he emitted sparks.

"I get it, I'm an ass to everyone. Quit rubbing it in," he said looking at the floor.

"Oi, I was kidding," you said looking up from the veggies to meet his solemn face. "I'm sorry." His head jerked at you apology but remained at the floor. You threw a bean sprout at him. "Quit being such a downer. I'm fine and your not an asshole... sometimes." He rolled his eyes and turned his attention to his phone.

After you finished making food, you slid the plate in front of him and grabbed yourself a bowl of cereal.

"There's still plenty more rolls why waste em'?" he asked, shoveling food hungrily into his mouth.

"Those are for you're lunch. You didn't bring any for school did you," you said nodding at his almost empty backpack, aside from some crumpled papers and broken pencils. "Plus, what can I say? I like cereal."

"That's stupid. Just eat them," he said with a growl.

"No." you said firmly, pouring milk into the bowl. He growled and shoved the second spring roll into the dipping sauce.

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