Chapter 1

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PoV: Chris

Bored, I was sitting on my place in the university. I had put my head on my hands and my eyes were half closed. I was just waiting to finally be able to leave. I knew that this lecture was incredibly important and that I should actually take notes, but I was too lazy as usual. And besides, I had a good memory. I would still be able to remember what the professor said next week. And the one where I didn't even listen properly. "Chris?", the professor said to me. "Yes?" I raised my head and sat down reasonably straight. "How would you solve that problem?", she asked me. I looked ahead briefly to get a brief overview. I blinked once before answering, "I would replace the processor. However, a faster processor would reduce the battery life, so I would replace the battery with another one that charges faster. This would be 200 dollars more expensive, but would prove to be quiet efficient in the long run." I noticed that all the other students looked at me in amazement. They all noticed that I had hardly listened since the beginning of the lecture and were apparently all the more surprised that I would give such a detailed answer. The prfessor smiled at me. "This is a very good sugesstion for a solution, Thanks Chris" She turned arround to show something on the blackboard. I put my head back on my hands. I was about to close my eyes when I heard my mobile-phone ring. All the other students were looking at me. Again. "Excuse me", I said curtly, took my phone and walked out of the room. Right after I closed the door, I took the call. "Hello?", I asked. I hadn't paid attention to the number that was calling me, so I was a little surprised when I was suddenly heard the voice of my best friend Alan. "Hey Chris", I heard him say. I had to smile. We hadn't seen each other for a really long time and it felt good to finally hear his voice again. We had known each other for ages. Alan's voice ripped me out of my thoughts. "I just wanted to tell you that I'm back in L.A. and I wanted to ask if I could come visit you. Could I?" I answered without thinking, "Sure!" Alan said goodbye and hung up. Then I went back to the lecture, grabbed my things and walked down the street to the parking lot where my car was. The shared flat I lived in was about half an hour away. I would prefer to live closer to the university, but I couldn't find another shared flat. I got in my car and drove to the shared flat. Once there, I parked my car in the parking lot and went into the apartment. My three flat-sharing community members were already there. Martin was cooking something. Iselin was sitting on the sofa  watching TV and Sonny was studying for his exam. Oh right! I had totally forgotten that! Sonny had his exam in one month and therefore studied like a madman. He had asked us especially NOT to invite anybody. Anyway, now it was too late. "Hi Chris", I heard Martin calling from the kitchen and Iselin greeted me. Only Sonny didn't. He was busy scrolling through his notes. "Guys, I have to tell you something", I finally said. "What is it?", Iselin and Martin asked as from one mouth and even Sonny listened up. "I talked to Alan on the phone earlier. He asked if he could come over", I started. "And nice as you are, of course you said yes, right?", it came in grumpy from Sonny. "Yes", I just returned. "Chris, you know I have to study for my exam. Not everyone finds it as easy as you do", Sonny said. "He has a point", it came from Iselin and Martin agreed. Okay. I admit that the whole thing is much easier for me than it should be, but I can't help it. I heard Sonny sigh. If it absolutely has to be done" "Thanks Sonny", I replied happily. I went to my room, trew my backpack on my bed and sat down at my desk. I took my headphones and plugged them into my laptop. Finally I could continue working on the song. I was working and completely forgot the time. Only when I was interrupted by a ringing, I realized how late it was already. I quickly ran into the kitchen. And there Alan was already standing. Iselin looked at me reproachfully. "I'm sorry", I said and tried to smile. "It's okay", Alan just said. I brought his things to my room, grabbed my bagpack, packed a few things and came back to the kitchen. Alan looked at me as if he knew exactly what I was about to say. "Let me guess. Downtown?", he asked. "exactly", I returned. "Let's go", said Alan. We decided not to take the car and walked through the city center. 

We went to a bookstore. We both loved to read, so we rummaged in the store and looked for books we hadn't read yet. I saw an Alan Walker X Marshmello fanfiction and I had to grin. "Hey Alan!", I called him, "Look here" He came up to me and looked at the book. "A fanfiction? Really?", he asked. I nodded. We both started laughing. "At least our fan are creative", Alan said. I nodded again. "Shall we read it?", I then asked. "sure why not", Alan replied. We took the book with us and looked for more. After a while we had found three more books. All fanfictions of us. We ran to the cash register to pay. Everyone paid two books. They were relatively expensive, but that didn't bother us much since we both had enough money. 

We walked back home through the city. We greeted Martin silently so as not to disturb Sonny while he was studying. Then we went to my room, sat down on my bed and started to read one of the fanfictions.

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