Part 3: Somethings Are Better Left Alone

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(AN: CW for familial violence. Please read with caution)

"You all look so nice in the clothes Asmo picked out." Alicia hummed as she adjusted the collar on Beelzebub's shirt. "But this throwing on clothes without care isn't going to fly."

"How much longer until Lord Diavolo and Barbatos get here? I'm all out of the snack bags you prepared." The audible sound of Beelzebub's stomach growling could be heard, and Alicia rested her head against his chest.

"They said they'll be here in a few more minutes. Diavolo wanted to bring a gift for my mother and Barbatos had to talk him out of that gift being made of gold."

"That sounds like he planned on giving Dolores a dowry." Marcus ran down the stairs, shoving Levi a little as he did so. "I told you to be ready five minutes ago."

"I am ready."

"Sitting in your room dressed but laying in your tub isn't ready. Your shirt is wrinkled now. Y'all got an extra spray bottle?"

"Under the sink. Fabric softener is in the laundry room." Alicia watched Marcus walk off, a pair of arms pulled her into a tight embrace. Mammon tilted her head back and placed a kiss on her lips, grinning lightly.

"You look good, dollface." He rested his face against the curve of her horns, humming while she smiled at him. "I know he said no PDA but that's only when we get there. I wanna enjoy it before Barbatos gets here."

"I know, I know." She slowly undid his arms and squeezed his hands. "But I need to finish getting the twins ready. Beel's done, it's just that bastard left."

Beelzebub pouted when she said that. "Alicia."

"I'm sorry Beel, Belphegor. Belphegor is all that's left. Where is he anyway? If he oversleeps, he can stay."

"Diavolo said we're all going, so we're all going." Lucifer said, holding a dressed but sleeping Belphie up by the back of his shirt. He put the young demon on the couch and crossed his arms. "I see the scar under your eye healed nicely."

"Yeah, I'm grateful for Simeon. I need to thank him the next time I see him." Alicia gave Lucifer a once over and smiled. "You look handsome."

"I appreciate the compliment. Tell me, is your mother a fan of wines as well? Or is she more of a music fan?"

"Don't waste your time trying to get her a gift. She's picky." Marcus walked back out into the common room, shaking a bottle of cloudy orange liquid. He focused on Levi and raised an eyebrow. "You gonna stay still or do I need to make you?"

"What did I say about using your powers on the guys?"

"Sorry, still unlearning some things. Levi, keep still." Marcus got to work spraying Levi's shirt down with the wrinkle release, grabbing his shoulder to keep him still. While he did that, Alicia turned her attention back to Lucifer.

"No gifts. I prepared my famous mac and cheese so we're not coming empty handed."

"That was for the cookout?" Hearing Beelzebub's voice, Alicia's face fell. "I thought that was lunch."

"Beel that was a whole pan of baked mac and cheese..." Taking a deep breath, she smiled at Lucifer. "Vodka is more of my mother's speed. Either that or a jazz record...Anything from 1950 to 1970...vinyl, nothing cursed."

"Of course, I'll see what I can bear to part with." As Lucifer went upstairs, Satan took a seat in the common room.

"I've compiled a list of aliases for us to go by while we're around your family."

"I was just going to call everyone by their nicknames." Alicia moved over to the couch and took a seat, looking over his notes. "How do you feel about Stan?"

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