The Night Before

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No one is really a big fan of Thursday's. But this wasn't your average Thursday. I'd just woken up on the couch of my grandparents living room. My head was pounding and just the few rays of light the blinds let in disturbed me. It felt like I was hungover from the night before, but I wasn't. Considering I'm completely against the use of alcohol.

It was early maybe around 7AM and since it was Spring Break my great aunts and grandmother always made an effort to to take me and my cousins out everyday, so we'd have amazing memories to look back on. You see my grandparents at the time had a lot of money. They could afford almost anything. That's why out of all the aunts, my grandma payed for most of the things we did. Such as our breakfast.

After getting ready. We begin our long day by driving to McAllen. It was inconvenient for us because we only go for my two youngest cousins Bella and Isaac. They loved the interior of this restaurant called Cracker Barrel. We go twice a month so they can get toys and we can eat breakfast. It had become sort of a tradition.

As we sat at a table for 15 it wasn't really breakfast time anymore, more like brunch as some would say. So half of the table requested breakfast and the other lunch. Being the one with the smallest stomach had led me with some time to spare. As I waited for them to finish feasting on there meals I realized that there was something I had been anxious to do since last night. That was.. Texting those two guys I had met the night before.

I remember there names and I love the feeling I got when the name Marshall reached the tip of my tongue and out my mouth. The way it sounded. Perfect. That's when I text the only guy out of the two I really wanted to text. Marshall.

I wasn't really good at texting. Although I typed extremely fast I made it hard to continue the conversation due to how boring I am. So I tried to let loose this time.

My first text was "Hey it's that weirdo from NSN." Kind of a quirky first text, but it's this first text that led to many more. Although I'm not proud of the very first text it was one of the most important.

You see I'd already passed the first impressions test which was considered last night. Next was to keep the dice rolling. Creating a base for friendship, and that's exactly what I did.

We talked about the past, all the things that got us to where we are now. He was in middle school and I in high school. It wasn't that big of a difference. Although that's not how my friends would see it. I knew that they'd have a mouthful to say, but I wouldn't have it because it shouldn't matter the fact that he's a grade younger.

I promised myself I'd take pride in being friends with someone 47 minutes away and a grade younger.


I had forgotten about the world because of him. Typing away on my little keyboard. I found out more about him. It was a difficult thing because there are some people like him who have a hard time trusting people like me.

I knew it was going to be an ongoing process but there was something about him that just made me want to keep fighting. Trying to make him budge but he was strong. He had to be. It was his way of surviving. We shared common interests such as music, movies, shows and books. We also had shared similar life lessons.

Marshall was different from the guys in high school. He wasn't trying to have sex with me. He was a nice guy with good intentions and that's why I started to develop a crush on him.

Although we barley knew each other I wanted to get to know him more.

I thought all of this as I sat inside Cracker Barrel at a table for 15. I had been so caught up in talking to Marshall I didn't hear my family when they all got up to leave.

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