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(Pretty much Kirishima being soft)

Mitsuki was begging to spend time with Kirishima saying how she would feed him give him kisses and hugs, "and my answer is no! you act like he's a baby" Katsuki said for the fourth time that day. "Sukiiiii I'm colllddd" Kirishima whined from his cave. "Would you look at that my omega needs me we'll talk later" Katsuki said trying to close the door. Mitsuki put her foot in the way " PLEEEEAAAAASSSSEEEE" Mitsuki wailed on her knees. "Fine I'll ask him" Katsuki growling a little bit, "Thank you sweet heart" Mitsuki said happily walking down the stairs. Katsuki climbed in the cave with Kirishima holding him close covering him in a strong caramel scent, he also let Kirishima gnaw softly on his hand with his sharp teeth. "I really don't think you should bite my hands" Katsuki knew immediately after the words left his mouth what would happen, " b-but I like it" Kirishima said starting to cry " I'm just teasing" Katsuki said giving Kirishima his hand again. Mitsuki burst in the room while Katsuki was asleep but Kirishima was peeking his head out the cave looking around, Mitsuki observed Kirishima's beautiful crimson eyes that had a naturally sleepy look to them, his long red hair that was starting to fade back to his natural black hair and soft adorable face. " Hi there cutie" Mitsuki said softly. Kirishima rolled himself into a blanket burrito and inched a little closer to Mitsuki, his brain was still in omega mode so he was more like a clingy toddler. Kirishima tilted his head looking at Mitsuki with wide curious eyes, "I'm Mitsuki Bakugou, Katsuki's mother" Mitsuki said cautiously getting closer. " I'm an alpha like Katsuki" She said smiling, " I'm Kirishima" the red head said grinning a little. Kirishima was being sort of toddler and was rolling back and forth like a burrito and almost fell off the bed until Mitsuki, fast as lightning sped to the other side of the bed and caught him. Kirishima had no clue what just happened until he realized he was being carried by Mitsuki, Kirishima didn't really mind it stared at Mitsuki wide big eyes. "I'm sure Katsuki won't mind if I take you down stairs with me" Mitsuki said trying to sneak out of the room but nearly had a heart attack when she heard Katsuki clear his throat " ahem, what do you think you're doing" Katsuki growled, now standing in front of Mitsuki with his arms crossed. Mitsuki immediately handed Kirishima back to Katsuki, "fine I'll come down stairs" Katsuki sighed still holding Kirishima.

When the two reached the living rooms Mitsuki had pillows and blankets all over the huge couch they had, Katsuki could see Kirishima trying to look at the blankets "careful baby I'm gonna put you down" Katsuki said when he felt Kirishima pushing him away trying to get down. When Kirishima was put down he immediately made a min fort that had many blankets and pillows on the inside, Kirishima saw Katsuki going upstairs to get his phone and he started to feel anxious and sad " Kat...suki? Kirishima said softly beginning to cry, he began to let out anxious filled pheromones which Mitsuki smelled and sat down next Kirishima who was staring at the stairs with tears in his crimson red eyes. "Don't worry he's just getting his phone" Mitsuki said softly. Kirishima looked at her wiping his tears away hiccuping from crying so hard. When Katsuki came back downstairs he went to where Kirishima was poking his head out of the blankets, Katsuki nuzzled Kirishima's nose asking for access inside the nest, to which he replied with a kiss on the cheek. Katsuki crawled next to Kirishima, but Kirishima had other plans. The red head closed the entrance to the nest and began to kiss the ash blonde deeply, Katsuki knew what he trying to do and began to slide his hands down Kirishima's soft, wide thighs. Kirishima giggled letting Katsuki get on top of him, Kirishima pulled down his shirt slightly revealing the pink nipple and swollen chest that was secreting sweet milk. Katsuki saw the invitation and placed his mouth on the swollen nipple sucking softly making Kirishima moan softly, " Fuck me you asshole" Kirishima said growling lightly. Katsuki realized that the punk side of Kirishima had completely taken over, "Oh I will" Katsuki said his voice low and serious pulling down Kirishima's boxers turning him over to where his ass was in the air. Kirishima looked back with sharp eyes at Katsuki making harder than he already was, Katsuki lined his hard dick with Kirishima's oozing wet hole. Kirishima was caught off guard with how hard Katsuki slammed in and his voice was a pitch moan and nothing more. Katsuki started slowly earning high soft moans that sounded like something like a hentai, "You wanted this don't start crying now bitch" Katsuki said when he's saw tears streaming from Kirishima's eyes. Kirishima only responded with a whiny sob his brain was turning to mush his words became mumbles of moans and curses. Kirishima was squeezing the pillows his knuckles turning white from the force, Kirishima had already come and was losing consciousness. Katsuki came with a low growl and Kirishima let out a high pitched cry as he felt the hot seed flood his insides, Kirishima finally fainted and Katsuki covered the small red head in his scent before cleaning up the mess they'd made. He froze in his tracks when he realized his mom was sitting right there. They had forgotten Mitsuki was sitting on the couch and she was blushing as she heard the moans and wet sounds coming from the blankets.

Mitsuki just sat on the couch sipping her hot tea like nothing happened but hands were still shaking from embarrassment, "I wasn't sure if I should've left or not so..." she didn't finish her sentence looking away. Katsuki face was tomato red with embarrassment looking down with slight shame.

Here ya go

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