4 - Pt. II

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Karlie's eyes fluttered open as she felt fingers on her stomach. She looked over to see her girlfriend lying on her side with her head propped up on one hand and the other smoothly lightly tracing patterns on her own stomach. Her ocean eyes stared at Karlie's toned midsection seemingly lost in thought, not realizing her partner was now awake.

"Happy one year, baby." Karlie groggily grinned, startling the blonde who pulled her hand back quick as lightning.

Taylor's gasp slowly turned into a giggle, as she looked back into her girlfriend's eyes. "You're awake," Taylor said as leaned down to Karlie's level. "We made it a whole year."

Karlie whispered as she brought her next neck up to meet Taylor, "And we'll make it many many more."

Both mouths met simultaneously as they engaged in the act for what seemed like the millionth time, yet it still felt like it was their first. The two sets of delicate lips and tongues danced in an intricate ritual that they had come close to perfecting over the course of the past year. They bounced to and fro like two boxers in a ring, but with the gracefulness of ballet. 

The dancing began to lose its perfect form, becoming sloppy and hastened. The mood had shifted from adoration and love to that of lust and want. Karlie broke the kiss panting heavily.

"You wanna do this?" She let out in between breaths in a sultry tone. Taylor responded with just a rapid nod as she also caught her breath for the moment. With that confirmation, Karlie got up out of the bed, fetching the do not disturb sign, and hanging it on the outside of the hotel room doorknob.

In a model-like strut, Karlie returned to the bed. "You're mine, Swift."


"I can't eat another bite, Karls." Taylor groaned as she put her head back and hand over her stomach. The girl across the diner booth across from her was halfway done her third pancake and not slowing down. She peaked her eyes up while stuffing another forkful in her mouth. Karlie mumbled out something about All You Can Eat between chewing.

They had decided to go to one of their friend's favorite diners for breakfast and cast away most of their formal plans for the day in lieu of making time for Taylor's show. Just spending time with each other was what mattered to them. Though, Karlie had still made a reservation at a fairly fancy restaurant later that night to satisfy her want to do something a little special, along with some extra plans tomorrow once they were back at school. 

Taylor was still a little bit nervous about her show today, this would be her third, and while the first two went amazing, they were expecting a sold-out crowd for her tonight. Dan had said that a lot of people were enjoying her shows and spreading the word. Both her past shows were only about 3/4th full, and she was still adjusting to playing for that amount of people. Though she was still ecstatic about playing, and wouldn't trade this opportunity for the world.

She gave a giggle to the girl across from her. Karlie could just act like a little kid sometimes and she found it adorable. The two girls stayed there for a while after finishing their food and drifted into talking about some of their favorite moments they've had together. 


Karlie looked up at the stage from the first row in awe of her girlfriend. The slender hands of hers moved fast and furious on the guitar's strings, the same ones that the brunette had heard countless times over the past year, but right now there were over 500 other people also listening in the same room. Taylor was in her element, playing energetically and getting the crowd into as much as she could. 

As she finished the current song, the venue gave loud applause and some scattered shouts were heard, earning a smile from the cheerful blonde on the stage. Her right arm rested on the top of her guitar and her free hand raised up to grip the microphone in front of her.

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