The New Rules

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2 Weeks Later

*Adam and Kim's house*

R – Are you sure you will be fine here alone today?

K – Yes Adam I am fine, enjoy the first day with Lindsay back and get the case sorted out. I will call Nat if I feel even the slightest twing. I promise

R – Ok baby. I love you so much, both you and our little girl.

K – I know Adam but go on. The sooner you get this done the sooner you are back and on leave.

Adam kisses Kim and heads out the door. Little do they both know what they day has in store for them

*In the Bullpen upon Adam's arrival*

R – And the Golden girl is back!

E – Shut up Adam!

R – Oh you know you missed us Linds, or is it Mrs. Halstead.

J – Adam, you know she may have had a kid since last time she kicked your ass but I assure you she still can.

E – For everyone's sanity, I will still go by Lindsay just like Kim still goes by Burgess. Speaking of Sanity How is my best friend doing?

R – She had a few Braxton Hicks contractions last night but she is hanging in there. Voight promised me today would be my last day regardless. I hate leaving her home alone. With you and Olivia back at work I also hate to ask anymore of Will and Natalie.

E – I am sure they would go check on her if you asked.

R – No it's alright she promised to call if she felt even a small contraction and I trust her to call.

E – I am sure she will Adam.

Voight walks in and interrupts their conversation.

V – We are going to help the drug task force with a raid today. Go get your gear ready we are meeting them in an hour. Halstead and Lindsay my office for a couple minutes please.

E- Yes, Sir.

J – No problem, Sarge.

"First day back and already in trouble, way to go Linds." Adam says as he heads down the stairs to the Garage.

J – Shut up, Adam.

*In Voight's Office*

V – convincing the Ivory Tower to keep 2 married couples in my unit was difficult but obviously I won the fight. However their were some restrictions they want me to put on you guys and the Ruzeks.

E – I am not sure if I like where this is going.

V - 1st the couples can't be paired together. So Lindsay I am going to put you with Adam and Halstead you will stay with Upton until Burgess gets back from Maternity Leave and then you will be with Burgess and Upton will be my partner.

J – Fair enough so far.

V – Also since you both have children to care for now they don't want you going into the same raids thus one team each will stay back as support on raids.

E – Could be worse? Anything else?

V – Nope just those two rules. And for the sake of Erin not killing me, I am letting her and Adam go in today so Halstead you and Hailey are outside.

J – Great! Are you going to tell Hailey that?

V – Nope you can tell her on the drive over. Erin you need to fill Adam in on all of this as well.

E – No problem. My favorite part is going to be tell him that I am his partner. He he. Wait who am I going to be with while you Adam is on leave?

V – Your good old Pops.

E – Oh great! Can't wait for him to be back already.

V – You don't mean that Erin.

J – Random question, How are Vanessa and Kevin getting away with being partners then?

V – Because they are only dating and the ivory tower doesn't know about that. Plus those rules are only in effect because of the kids so we will cross that bridge when they have children.

J – Come on Er. Let's go we both have not so fun things to tell our partners.

**In the Garage**

U – What do you think is going on?

R – Probably just making sure they are good to work together after all this time.

U – Yeah probably but from what I saw before Lindsay left that shouldn't be a problem.

R – Oh definitely not those two belong together. It will be nice to have them both back in the unit.

E – Glad you think so Ruzek, because you are with me.

R – Maybe not.

J – Upton give your weapon to Erin. I will explain in the car, You just need your side arm.

U – Sounds good.

** In the car with Ruzek and Lindsay**

R – So are you in trouble already Linds

E – Nope just giving us the low down for partners and all that.

R – Cool, But why aren't you with Halstead then?

E – Ivory Tower doesn't like two married couples in one unit so they are making Hank split us up. You and I are partners and Jay will be with Burgess when she gets back. Until then he will be with Upton.

R – Awesome looking forward to it partner. What about when I am on Leave.

E – I will be stuck with Hank.

R – Good luck with that.

E – oh it should be fine, he is a lot better about not overstepping now that Jay and I have a child. Speaking of that there is one more rule that Ivory Tower made.

R – What is that?

E – Only one half of the couples can go in on Raids, they don't want us to all go down and leave the children orphans.

R – So based on what Halstead said we are going in today and not them?

E – Yep, ready for this partner?

R – Let's go!

The team meets up with the drug task force and sorts out the plan. Halstead and Upton are outside on perimeter duty and the rest of the raid team goes in. The inside team has cuffed and escorted out 3 perps when they hear the shots. The only team inside the warehouse unaccounted for was Ruzek and Lindsay. Jay's heart is trying to beat out of his chest. He isn't sure if anyone is hit. 30 seconds later they hear the first peeps out of the radio.

E – Suspect is secured. I need a bus immediately we have an officer down. I repeat office down.

Jay and Upton look at each other.

The intelligence team releases that just days before the birth of his child Adam has been shot. How were they going to tell Kim? 

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