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Hi! so this is your quirk all through out the book. (FYI i don't know much about my hero so please bare with me while i figure all this out. )

Okay dokkie so your quirk is called Siren, just like those in the mythological books. You have wings and talons but they are shape shifting ones. The most important thing about your quirk is your singing. When fighting you grow out your wings and talons instantly ( the wings are not on your back... im sorry) and you always have portable speakers with you in case you wanna use your voice instead.  They are attached to your belt you wear.

Your outfit is all black skin tight body suit with a long cut out on the outside of your arm that hooks at the thumbs for your wings. You barely wear shoes because your always flying or walking with your bird feet. Also your wings are that of an amber/honey brown color.  You also have claws.

You also have "utility" belt that is connected tightly to you so nothing falls and whats in it is your glasses ( because your both blind and flying high here and there)  and your speakers. Your also a tech wiz because why not and your created the speakers yourself. it took some time but your finally perfected them. the speakers are small little devices that are loud enough for the person or subject can hear them and only them. They also connect to the person/ subject like they clamp on once dropped onto the subject/person. You also have a portable mic the hooks to the outside of your mouth so you can sing effortlessly and subdue the enemy.

Basically you turn full chaotic monster when fighting but you try to go the less violent way because public view. Also the song you singe can affect the host.

-sad songs, can make the host very sad or depressed

-happy songs, extremely cheerful or overly joyed about something

-angry songs, level of bakugo angry to 10x worse than that depending on the person.

-melodic song: there is a melody that is commonly used within your family and it is the powerful and last resort song you sing when you are in danger.  It has a lasting effect on the host and it damages the brain with every-time they hear it. Sadly they will have the drive to hear it again making them go insane.

Lastly your ears can close itself in the inside so flying at high speeds can be possible. And you know all forms of martial arts because you can't be defenseless. Also your family is prone to be murders but you are trying to stray away from it.

So the wings part you basically glide around.

I know this is alot but i try to give you an in depth of your own quirk you know. imagine it however it seems right this is just how i see it you know. a collective of ideas from people on TikTok.

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