Chapter 6- Something in the abyss...

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"Please sing us one more song, cousin Whenthla" One of the younger fauns asked.
Whenthla softly smiled as she nodded. "I suppose, one more"
"Lay down and relax," She said, taking a breath.

"Stars bathe you into sleep,

The moon caresses your skin,

Worries are just an expression,

Stress will leave you be.

The oceans always with you,

helping you breathe,

So shut your eyes,

and sleep."

The younger fans are now fast asleep, Whenthlas lullaby's always put them fast asleep. She went on top of the temples, watching it walk around.
She looked at the stars, each looking the same but different in its own way.

"The stars are rather bright tonight, aren't they, bug?"
"Yeah, Dada! I love the stars"

Nostalgia filled her soul as she looked away, she couldn't experience the pain again.
She took a deep breathe, "Everything's fine, right? I'm at a new home, with...great people!" Whenthla convinced herself. "...Right?"

She jumped off the temple, hoping her mother wouldn't notice, since she's always crammed in there.
Dusting herself off, she walked around her now part of the land.
Smiling at the happy families playing in the water, she wished every night she could call this place 'home' permanently.

She looked at the bright sun side, a side she barely explored. Running to the border of her side and the sun side.
The heat made her wince and lower her ears.
She looked around and grabbed a nearby leaf, wrapping it around her for safety, she walked to the sun side.

She got some strange looks but ignored that.
Stepping into some shade, she ditched the leaf and exported the forest area.

As she was admiring the plants and animals around her, she started hearing mumbling from someone.

"Well, I better hurry off, my breaks over."
She hurried into a bush and watched as someone familiar passed by,
Guardian of the sun.

The heat from him fluttered her skin as she watched him walk away.
"Why is the grass so...wet?" Sohone looked around.
Whenthla looked at her feet as she forgot to dry them off when getting off the ocean temple.

She hurried away, deeper into the forest.
Maybe the sun side wasn't for her, but there was one other side.

The night side.
Looking back at the sun side, she leaped into the night side.

"The Guardian of the Ocean!" A couple of people pointed to her.
They weren't giving her strange looks, rather, seeing welcoming.
A couple of fauns brought her flowers. "Aw, thank you" She smiled, taking the flowers, and saying waving to them.

As she was walking, she noticed fireflies flying around her feet. "Hey!" She giggled, jumping around them.
Suddenly they flew away, she frowned as she started following where they were headed.

She stopped, seeing a large ocean ahead of her.
"That's where you're leading me, huh? One of my oceans?" She chuckled as the fireflies floated around the water.
I dipped my feet into the water as I felt scales form around my feet.
Pushing myself in, I looked at my legs that were now a tail.
A mermaid tail.

I was always shy to be in my mermaid form, it seemed unattractive to me, but now that I'm alone I can embrace it.

Swimming around the ocean, I started singing a relaxing toon.
Fireflies flew around the water, this felt magical, the first time my magic felt so...powerful.

I swam up for some air, going back to shore and feeling my tail turn back into legs.
As I sat there, I heard footsteps approach.
Going on all fours, I watched as someone approached.

Mune approached from a couple of plants.
"Mune!" I sprinted up, a bright smile formed on my face, and without thinking I hugged him tightly.
"Woah!" He laughed, stumbling back a bit.

They both locked eye contact before Whenthla let go of him. "Sorry, I'm still getting used to personal space..." She rubbed her arm, embarrassed. "It's okay! No pressure" Mune reassured her.

"Woah," Mune noticed the beautiful ocean that was ahead of him. "Did you make that?" He asked. "I guess, since we arrived here we planted a few water sources around for people and animals to stay hydrated"

"It's beautiful". Whenthla blushed, "Thanks" She smiled. "I wish I had cool powers like you"
Whenthla laughed, "Are you kidding? My powers are...weird, I'd be lucky to have yours"
"Why do you think they're weird?" Mune asked. "It's just...- I don't know, I'm insecure about them"

"...Can I see them?" Mune asked. "I suppose, just...please don't judge me"
Whenthla stepped into the water. "Are you kidding? I would-... Woah..."
Whenthla's legs slowly turned into a tail as she swam around. "That's...That's wonderful..." He stared with amazement.

Whenthla walked back to shore as she transformed back. "Thanks" She smiled.
Mune sat closer to her as they both stared at the sky. "Your special, I've never met someone with powers like you"

Whenthla smiled softly at him, her cheeks turning a light pink.

Whenthla glanced back at the water and gasped. "W-What?" Mune stuttered out.
He looked at the water too and noticed it turned completely black.

"W-We should get out of here..." Whenthla ran back into the forest, Mune couldn't help but continue to stare at the water. "Let's go!" Whenthla snapped Mune out of his gaze as he ran back with her.

Something was wrong,
But they didn't know what.

We Met By The Pond of Songs. | RE-WRITE! |Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora