New Girl

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"Are you sure you wanna go, Y/n?"

A small kid with that appeared next to you asks you with concern etched into their voice. He smiles with nervousness etched into his face, small fangs visible from their mouth. His short red hair swayed in the light breeze that passes by, with worrisome crimson eyes staring at your face. 

"I'm sure I'll be fine, Rynon. Stop worrying." You say to the small male, which pouted at your response. Shinpai, as his name is, wanted you to stay at home with him so he could spend some time with you. Another small kid appeared on your other side, with excitement spreading across her face. "I'M SO EXCITED! I CAN'T WAIT TO GO AND MEET NEW FRIENDS!" The pink haired child exclaimed. At first look, they would seem to be kids dressed up in Halloween costumes, but they are actually demons, which are your siblings.

Sounds fun, right?


They are SO hard to deal with, they NEVER listen to anyone, they make messes sometimes, and they are SUPER ANNOYING!

Anyway, today was your first day at White Chapel High. You were a bit nervous, but you were certain that you could make at least ONE friend. Other than the kids, of course. But you were a bit concerned, since people would talk about your eyes. What about them? Well, you have slit pupils, like a cat, and one of your eyes is white that gives off a dull F/c glow.

Layla and Rynon returned back to your home, waiting for a bit of freedom so they could wreak a bit of mischief on people. You wanted to bring two others, Lina and Liro. They both were good company, but when it comes to pranks and food, they are vibing with it.

You approached the school just five minutes before the bell rang. You jogged up to the front doors and skidded to a halt before looking like an idiot that is late. Opening the doors, you walked to the principal's office, ignoring the kids stares and whispers. As you came up to the office, you knocked, just to be polite. "Come on in." 

You opened the door, creeping in a bit before walking in. "Ah, Y/n. You're here. Good thing you signed the paperwork yesterday. Anyway here's your schedule and locker number. Good luck."

You took the paper from him and thanked him before exiting and heading to your locker. Once again, you gained the attention of a lot of people, just because of your eyes. That, and because your skin has the texture of snake skin and you have webbed toes and fingers. Yeah, don't you just LOVE to have fucking scales. You finally arrived at your locker, putting the code in before opening it and setting all your stuff inside. You kept your jacket on, since there's a lot of things you want to hide.

Unfortunately, some jock or something came up to you before you could escape from the hallway. "Hey. What's wrong with your... everything?" He asked you, trying to gain a bit of attention. You slowly turned your head to face him, with your neck giving off a slight cracking noise. "What's wrong with my everything? Ya see, it's a bit of a misunderstanding to me when people ask me that same question, not telling me if it's just a little question or something to gain attention." You told him, showing off your... fangs?! "Jesse, is it? You ask what wrong with me, but I wanna know what's wrong with you, bud. I was born like this, hun, don't try me, you three piece chicken nugget rejected un-deluxe Happy Meal with flat coke." You said, slamming the locker shut and walking away, leaving a shocked Jesse in the dust. A few kids were giggling about what you just said.

The Demons Inside (Benny x reader x Ethan)Where stories live. Discover now