Meet Benny and Ethan

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Benny's POV

"So I heard that there's a new girl in school, and she just called out Jesse earlier today." I was talking to Ethan, who actually caught a glimpse of her when she was walking by. "Benny. Listen to me. She looks so weird. Like, she has scales, fangs, and her fingers are webbed!" I was ignoring him, daydreaming about what she might look like. 

"Benny? Benny, are you listening to me?" 

No, I'm not listening to him. "Ethan do you think she likes kids? I like kids." 

"BENNY SNAP OUT OF IT! SHE'S HERE!" I blinked out of my daze and looked over to the front of the class, and there stood a super hot girl making eye contact with the teacher. "Alright class, we have a new student. Go ahead kid, introduce yourself." 

She looked around before making eye contact with me for about two seconds. "Hi. My name is Y/n L/n. Nice to meet you all." She said, smiling with... fangs... that makes it even better. "Alright Y/n, go sit over there between Ethan and Benny." I raised my hand and pointed to the seat in between us. Y/n strolled over to her spot, sitting down and pulling out a pen from her jacket.

She kinda struggled getting it out, but she flicked whatever was holding it and started to write. 

Narrator POV

You slowly turned your head over to Ethan, wearing a tight smile on your face. "Ethan, it's great to see you again. Oh, never mind that actually, I bet that you don't even remember me." You went back to your work, doodling on the page since you finished just twelve seconds before. Ethan gave a confused look to Benny, who gave a love struck face back. Ethan wrote a note and crumpled it into a ball before throwing it to his best friend.

I've never even met her before. I think that she might be a threat.

Benny scribbled another note and threw it back to Ethan, who was so confused on how she finished her work so easily.

I don't care if she's a threat, she's hot.

Ethan threw a note back to Benny, the process repeating.

Dude, she might kill you on the first chance she gets.

I don't care.

Benny, she might be evil.

I still don't care.

Benny, we need to find out what she is and take her down before she hurts anyone.

Aw, do you have to hurt her?


But Y/n's too hot to get hurt, especially from a dork like you.

I'm not a dork.

Yes you are. 

No I'm not.

You were getting a bit annoyed with the note passing, so with the next note that was thrown, you caught it.

"You know, you shouldn't be passing notes during class." You tossed the note into the trash can. 

You faced the dazed teen. "And Ethan, I'm not a threat, I'm something else that you shouldn't bother." 

They both looked at you in confusion.

"I have superior hearing guys. Stop talking shit about me."

You continued to doodle, this time, a small picture of Rynon and Layla.

"Y/n stop drawing Layla and I. I hate her."

You patted Rynon's head. The boys beside you continued to work on whatever they were working on.

*timeskip to lunch*

"I'm telling you Sarah, she's not normal."

Sarah and Erica were whispering about you. You were talking to a crow outside, which was perched on the seat across from you.

"Ethan, all that wrong is that her skin is kinda shiny and scaly and that her finger are webbed. That's not all so bad." Sarah said to the suspicious male that was eyeing you and your every move. Erica and Rory were also kinda suspicious about you. Benny however...

Let's just say that he wants to marry you.

"I don't know what she is."

"She could be a vampire, Erica."

"Rory, what kind of vampire has scales and webbed fingers?"

"I'm not a vampire."

Everyone at the table turned around to see you plopping down with your book bag in hand. Benny sighed at your presence, while Erica and Ethan rolled their eyes. "So... how have you been doing since the last time I saw you?"

Rory looked over at you, finally getting to see you up close. 

"I don't think I've seen you before." He said. You shrugged at the response and took out a few art supplies.

Sarah decided to break the silence between you all. "So, uh, Y/n, is it? Are you heterochromatic or something?" You silently nodded, not looking away from your already half-done sketch of Lina and Liro. Everyone was staring at you and you fast handiwork. 

Benny was slowly inching into your workspace. As he was about seven centimeters from the sketch, you rubbed your finger into a palette of pastels and rubbed it on his nose.

Sarah tried to hold in a giggle after seeing her friend's nose covered in blue and green pastel.

"Don't try to rub it off, doing that will only rub it in. Wash it off. Next time, don't be so close when I'm concentrating on something." Rory was snickering at what you just did while Erica was on her phones so she didn't see anything.

Ethan was just looking at your artwork. He actually really liked it.

"Y/n that's pretty good."

You turned around from an embarrassed Benny to lock eyes with Ethan. "Thanks, man. I'm actually just starting a whole collection of my siblings."

Yes. Layla, Rynon, Lira, Liro, and 6 others were your siblings. 


OOOOOOH looks like Ethan is taking a bit of a liking to you. What's he gonna do?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2020 ⏰

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