Hung Up - Short Story

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Beep…. Beep…. Beep… the phone call was over but the sound droned on, echoing into my mind. The mobile fell from my grip and my legs buckled as I fell on my bedroom floor, tears rapidly trickled down my face; I was in too much shock to wipe them, letting them spill down to my trembling hands. Thousands of thoughts crowded my brain, screaming and whispering, laughing and crying the words that made my reality a world that was crumbling to pieces. Was it true? How did it happen?! What did it take so long for me to find out?! Was she really-

Yes, the man on the phone had said so.

Maybe he was lying; this might all just be some kind of practical joke they wanted to play on you, being so popular can create enemies. It must all be just a lie.

No, no one would choose to make up such a horrible lie.

You don’t know them, they’re evil and inhumane, and they’re even willing to destroy you and they must probably be using this chance to humiliate you, trying to get you to react to it!

Stop being paranoid and be rational, it’s true and you’ll have to endure whether you like it or not.

The voices battled on in my head but I knew what I had been told was true, that every word the man had just told me, but it seemed too unreal for me to grasp what it would mean for me. How could something like this happen?

How could she do such a thing?! How could she be so selfish?!

How could you?!

The voice targeted me and I didn’t blame it one bit, how could I? She was my best friend, the only person who could truly understand who I am, or at least, who I used to be. She was kind and treated me with such gentleness, something which no one, not even my parents, has granted me. She made everything so much easier to enjoy, the boring people, my abusive parents, boys, and everything else the world consisted of. And what did I do?

I abandoned her. I left her all alone in the humiliation of school and the torment she endured from rumors and scandal, anger and retribution. She needed me, that’s all she needed and I didn’t give it to her, all because of my own trivial insecurities of not wanting to be dragged down with her. I had been so hung up on being someone who was liked by everyone that I hadn’t even noticed her pain that I hadn’t even noticed this all happen. This could have been different, I could have protected her from those who harmed her, I could have kept her company at least, I could have talked to her; it was my entire fault.

I had to see her. Before I knew it, I was already sprinting down the road. Eyes watched me from all angles, I hadn’t even looked at myself before leaving home, there must have been mascara running down my eyes  but that didn’t bother me or interfere with my thoughts like they usually did, I just had to see her and everything would be fine right?  It took a while, I wasn’t exactly a fit person, whenever I ran, I had to take large breaks to recover and catch my breath, and nevertheless, I made it.

I burst through the gate and located her, and there she was, just there, waiting for me. I slowly walked, shaking terrible as the tears came back. I sat down next to her;

I howled and screamed.

“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!”

I screamed at her silent grave.

Hey there, this is my first attempt at writing in the point of view of a girl, hope it was good, If you liked it then please vote and comment.

By Angus.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2012 ⏰

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