Chapter 23

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Emily watched as Arnold walked out the door. She hated to admit it, but she was starting to get tired of everybody telling her that Justin died a hero. She knew in her heart that they meant well and that they were trying to make her feel better about the whole situation. Maybe it would lessen the blow a little bit and ease her aching heart. But it didn't make her feel better. She didn't care that he died a hero because she wanted him here with her. She knows that she is being selfish and it hurts her heart to know that she feels that way. But after all she can't help the way she feels. It also doesn't surprise her one bit that Justin died a hero. Because he was always a hero to her, that's just who he was. He would do anything for the ones he loved, even if that meant dying. She didn't know what to do anymore now that he was gone. He was her shelter and her protection. He was her whole world and he took all of that with him, the day he left. 

Justin could see how hurt and upset Emily was, he wasn't sure what he should do. He wanted to touch her so bad and let her know that he was here. But he was still trying to process it all. Every time he tried to touch something his hand would just go right through it. He desperately wanted to connect with her like he used to. There was a vase on the counter to his left and he concentrated as hard as he could to pick it up. But it was useless, his hand just floated right through the vase. He walked over to Emily hoping she would feel his presence. The connection between them was undeniable and Justin was sure that Emily would be able to feel him there.

"Hey Emily it's me, it's Justin. I'm right here. I'm still here I haven't gone anywhere. I just wish you could see me." Justin said. Practically begging Emily to notice him. 

He walked over to Mrs. Hatchery who was standing in the corner. Hoping maybe he could reach her instead. He got real close to her and tried to put his arms around her shoulders like he used to do. But his hands just kept going through her. 

"Mrs. Hatchery, it's Justin. I'm home. Please notice me please. Will anyone ever notice me." Justin shouted at the top of his lungs. He tried desperately for someone, anyone to notice him. But his efforts were useless and he was losing hope.

"Why did he leave? Why did he have to leave?" Emily asked Mrs. Hatchery.

"I know sweetie, I know it's hard to understand these situations. It's hard to deal with the war and understand what is going on in the world. You know that Justin was going to do everything he could to help, because that's just who he was; it hurts deeply that he had to leave and in his heart he knew that he would always come back to us, no matter what. That's just not how it works sometimes. Now we are the ones who are left behind and we have to learn how to pick up the pieces that he left and move on. We may never move on and that's okay, but we need to at least try to move forward with our lives. You know that's what Justin would've wanted." Mrs. Hatchery told her. Trying her best to console Emily. 

Justin felt so lost. He was probably more lost than Emily. Because she was right in front of him, he could see her and he could see that she was in a lot of pain, and there was nothing he could do about it. He felt so powerless. There has to be a way for him to reach out to them. He knew there had to be a way and he would do everything he could to find it. He couldn't stand this anymore he had to tell them that he was there. He wasn't going to stand here and watch them in pain. Because of him, this was all his fault and he didn't know how to fix it.

Emily retreated down the hallway to her room. She needed to be alone and have time to grieve. Justin almost followed her in there. But he knew it wouldn't help any, because she couldn't see or hear him. He decided to let her be alone for a little while. 

He glanced out the window into the street and he saw an old man crossing the street. A bus suddenly pulled around the corner at break neck speed and came out of nowhere. He could see the bus quickly approaching the man and he almost shouted, trying to warn the man to get out of the way. But he knew it wouldn't help because he was invisible. All he could do was watch. He tensed up and waited for the impact but it never came. The bus went right through the man and Justin realized he was a ghost too. Justin was surprised because he thought he was the only one. It was gratifying to know he wasn't alone. Justin watched the man as he walked over to the bench at the bus stop. What surprised Justin even more was that he saw the man pick up a newspaper. He could touch things. This is exactly what Justin needed. He quickly ran across the street to try to get the man's attention but he had vanished into thin air. Justin was determined to find this man, because he could teach him how to touch things and that would help reach Emily. 

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