Part 1: the start of dispair (and love)

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ALRIGHT ...lets do this im gonna LOVE this one 

see if you can figure what im going for



the raven haired male woke up in a classroom , it was dark and the wooden desk was warm from his head resting on it for who knows how long , what time was it? where was he?what...happened?

the last thing he remembered was going thrugh the gates of hopes peak , ready to gain back his familys honour , ready to be able to enter this school a boy and exit a man, a man that can fix the worlds morals 

and now hes in a place with a bunch of desks and bolted windows?....wait a classroom ...was he inside hopes peak? if so he needs to move expecialy scince the orientation was at the gym at 6:00am sharp he looked at his wrist watch......5:30am 

thirty minutes till orientation

taka sat up from his chair and  tucked the chair back in , walking outside of the classroom and looking for the gymnasium, his boots marching thrugh the tiled hallways in search of his destination, the hallways cold and quiet, dark and gloomy ......the highschool male knew this wasnt normal , he walked thrugh more hallways coming towards some double doors , opening them coming into a pristiene gym, the floors wooden and waxed 

the place was empty beside from one student with pink hair that made taka almost flinch, they wore ....revealing clothing around the breast area and bows , she looked like she didnt care about school, or that she didnt want to be here in the first place 

the moral compass stood there in the hall, looking at his watch and pacing around, thinking about the covered windows and the empty school ....

----time skip cause im predictable ----

the white uniformed student was looking as all the other students who had gathered in the hall at this point 

a straightfaced girl wearing goth lolita style attire and two drills....strange , she talked monotosly and had many mannerisims  

a read haired boy with a wierd looking beard and wearing very casual attire for a school environment , with very violent looking gestures 

a blue haired girl with ...thankfully school like attire , a pink bow at the breasts and looked innocent enough 

another girl this time with sports like attire , thankfully normal non couloured hair put in a ponytail, shes a bunette and she had tan skin 

a male? if the muscles and build were anything to go by, they had long ashen white hair again taned skin but slightly less tan than the last and wearing bandages and a skirt for some reason?

a female, delecate and wearing a dress, short haired brunette with brown doe like eyes , looked very shy and secretive 

a....another casually dressed male with a afro of hair and a glass ball (i dont like this one ok? )

a fat tubby looking male with a air of pride around him, he had dark hair ....very short with a sprig at the top unlike the others was wearing a uniform

a lilac haired girl, she had gloves on and wore a jacket, shirt and skirt , she looked like she was always annalysing her surroundings 

a very preturbed looking girl with twin braids and a uniform, she wore glasses and she was staring at

togami......the raven haired male looked away from the blonde haired glasses wearing tall male in a suit aand his eyes landed on

a huge muscular man ...he didnt wear proper uniform....he red eyed male didnt look fondly to that, his hair was a poumadour , a orange one in fact , and was that eyeliner? really?....admittedly they had some nice looking mucles and that jacket of thiers was kinda cute...he stared at them for a bit until 


the raven haired male looked at his watch 


they were late 

he pointed to the new student angrily 


the student looked embarrased as he pointed to himself awkardly , his grey jacket baggy around his form, and his brown ahoge straight up 


*he immedeately looked defensive *

 "WAIT! i was asleep in a clasroom "

like he himself was? interesting .....

he didnt pay attention ...he heard something, the lilac haired girl was looking around, proved he wasnt the only one hearing things 



i wanted 3000 words frick

yeah i know i have spelt some words wrong 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2020 ⏰

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