Chapter 6 - Part 2

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Amelia's POV:

I swayed my head back and forth slowly. I softly picked up my head as I fluttered my eyes open. I looked around to see that I was in our basement. It was fairly empty except for some empty shelves and a few mirrors. I looked down to notice I was bound down on a chair. My wrists and ankles were tied. I struggled to get out, but it was no use, nothing would budge.

I looked up to see the small case of stairs, on top was the door. The metal door. I watched as it creaked open and I saw a figure standing there. I couldn't see their face clearly as I was still dizzy from the knock to the head. The figure slowly walked down the stairs as my vision cleared. My eyes widened when I saw who it was. It was John standing there. The only thought going through my head was that I was going to die.

"Why the hell was there a man calling you?" shit it was probably Buck he's been trying me all day. I was avoiding him because I thought he caught onto me, that or Maddie did. I had to think of something quick.

"It was probably Buck or Carlos looking for my brother. He never answers his phone when people call. So they often ring me because he always answers mine unless he's on a call" I sit there hoping and praying that he would accept that answer

"Good answer that's exactly what he said. But that doesn't excuse the fact that you have men calling you because your brother is incapable of answering a phone. That's the whole reason I got rid of your old one. People shouldn't have that number" crap what am I going to do now.

"I'm sorry my brother probably gave it to them. I didn't know. I'll never answer it again unless the caller id says that it's you, TK, or my dad." I say this hoping to appease him enough to get minimal punishment added on to breaking the boundary.

I let out a sharp groan as I turned my head back forward. Again, John took another swing at my cheekbone. I spit at the ground and saw blood; I could feel it dripping from my lip. I brought my head back again "Why?"

He began to walk back and forth in a small pace "You don't get it, you don't know what you do to me" He stopped in front of me and leaned his hands on my arms. He leaned his face so close to mine I could feel his breath.

He leaned back and took something out of his pocket. I noticed it was a syringe. He took off the cap. "No, no. John don't" I pleaded.

He stuck the needle in my arm and pushed in whatever was inside. I began to feel weak; my vision was getting blurry. The last thing I saw was John walking up the stairs before I passed out.

Buck's POV:

When the power finally came back on, I tried to call TK before remembering that he was on shift which means that so was everyone else. So, I called to one person who might be able to help... 

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