The misunderstanding (or not?)

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5 hours earlier
Hannah: "Meera new joining?"
Meera: "yes"
Hannah: "Hello Meera this is Hannah you are gonna work in the cubicle next to me"
Meera: "Hi nice to meet you"
Hannah: "same here, so first day a a little bit of excitement and a little bit of nervousness it's common for everyone"
Meera: (smiles) "Yeah"
Hannah: "Treat me as your friend"
Meera: "yeah sure"
Hannah: "So where do you live?"
Meera: "Violet city appartement"
Hannah: "Ohh!! Varun our HR also lives there"
Meera: "Oh!"
Hannah: "You are not surprised do u happen to know him before"
Meera: "No no!"
Hannah: "Hmmm ok your training starts in 5minutes just go to the room to your left side and by the way I saw you getting out of  Varun's car"
Meera: (Oh no! what do I do now) (just smiles awkwardly) " Ok I will talk to you after training bye see you"
Meera came to washroom and heard someone talking about her and Varun's relationship
Meera: (shit! Varun will think I am the one who spread this rumour if he finds out he will get upset) thinking like this she came to pack her things
Varun: " Meera once come to my cabin"
Meera went into the cabin and is nervously looking at Varun
Varun: " I didn't think you are such a kind of girl you don't even know how to keep a simple secret and you want me to trust you with company secrets no I am not gonna trust you I will be searching for reasons to fire you from now on you will bow under my watch so be careful and you lost my complete trust both as an employee and as a person"
Meera: (shaking voice with tears in her eyes) " Varun it's a misunderstanding I didn't tell anyone Hannah saw me getting out of your car near our office in the morning I think may be she said that to everyone"
Varun: "So you know Hannah saw then what you should have denied it or at least tell me I would have dealt with it who told you to remain silent"
Meera: "I am sorry" (tears started rolling down her cheeks)
Varun:( started smiling) " Hey! Meera I didn't know you were this sensitive hahaha! I was just kidding i know that Hannah is the one she asked me I too remained silent that's why she thought there's something weird and started telling everyone I know about the people in this office very well please just cool down and stop crying"
Meera: "What I got fooled on the first day itself but thank goodness you didn't misunderstand me I thought you were annoyed by it and that's why you started yelling at me and by the way I am a sensitive girl when it comes to emotions"
Varun: "Yeah I got to know that just now and I also heard you live in violet city appartements right I too live there in G block in which block do you live?"
Meera: "Yeah I too heard from Hannah so you live in G block I live in A block"
Varun: "So that's why we have not seen each other cause both our blocks have different entrance and exit points"
Meera: " Yeah"
Varun: " So I got an idea why don't we share ride let's save environment along with money what say?"
Meera: "Ok on one condition please don't play any more pranks on me that too on serious and sensitive
topics like this"
Varun: "hahahaha!! ok no more pranks on sensitive topics"
Meera:"Ok then let's go now?"
Varun: "I forgot to mention one more thing we can only do share rides on mornings evenings we cannot go cause I will be late and you have to go by yourself if I di finished my work early then we can go together but that would be rare"
Meera: "ok no problem cause getting to office on time is important since you know all the shortcut routes to the office I can reach office on time"
Varun: "ok then bye see you tomorrow"
Meera: "yeah bye see you tomorrow and if I stand here for longer everyone really starts gossiping about us"
Varun: "Meera wait just a minute you leave when you wanna leave not because of some stupid gossips cause i don't care about them and you also learn to ignore them cause you know who you are and your family and friends know what you are remaining people are just a part of society where there is a get back of negative words even for your positive works so just ignore ok"
Meera: "Oh wow! Will try to follow it and you are my boss so I have to follow you(smile) but still it's getting late I am gonna leave bye see you tomorrow"
Varun: "yeah I will call you tomorrow morning see ya bye"
Meera: (wow our boss is really cool and easy going thank god for that)  reaches home
Meera's mom: " Hello honey how's your first day?"
Meera: "Good mom" (tells everything that happened in office)
Meera's mom: "ohh interesting you got a very cool boss how does he look? is he handsome?"
Meera: "Mom!"
Meera's mom: "What I just asked is he handsome or not I didn't ask you to go on date with him did I ?"
Meera: "Mom! I know your intention but I don't think he's my type we can become good friends and colleagues that's it not anything more than that and by the way yeah he's good looking"
Meera's mom: "Ok getting a good friend is also a great thing ok now let's eat dinner"
Meera: " What about dad ?"
Meera's mom: " Hey daddy's girl I m his wife he's having dinner in office so he called me and said not to wait for him"
Meera: "Ok mom I will get freshed up in 10mins let's eat"
After dinner
Meera: (sending a message to Varun) "gud night boss"
Varun:(with a smile on face) "gud night"
Meera slept with a smile on face...................
                                                                                   To be continued......................

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2020 ⏰

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