Dance, Dance.

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        The lights were blinding. I squinted my eyes I spun round in my silver dress, frantically trying to keep up with the frantic beat of the song. My heart was racing too fast to keep up, and I stopped in the middle of the dance floor and made my way back to the table, downing another glass as I went, my nervous laugh tittering as I half-fell onto my seat. My feet were killing me in the white heels, but I didn't care. All I cared about was having fun, for once in my dreary life. The lights and sounds were all blurring into each other, and I wondered idly what they were putting in my drink to make me want to stay here. Me, Miss Little Introvert, graduate of the top university in the nation, partying without a care, even though I had a test in the morning that nay or may not decide my fate in the university, as with all the tests I took, one slipup and I'll be gone. My smile disappeared for a minute, until a rush of happiness washed over me. I giggled some more. I'm so uptight it's hilarious. 

        "Having fun?" Kat said, as she slid into the seat, hand wrapped around the arm of another guy with shaggy blond hair.

        "Another one?" I asked, tipping my glass towards her. 

        She frowned. "I don't think you need another."

        I giggled. "No, hun, another guy. This is like the fourth one you've brought over here."

        She reached across and placed a finger across my mouth. "Don't say that." She whispered. "He's supposed to think he's special." She leaned back into her seat, and got a slip of paper out of her pocket, then slid it into the back pocket of the guy's jeans, extremely casually, and extremely slow, like she didn't want to get caught. I forwned slightly, until a thought crossed my  mind. I giggled. Silly girl, giving her comm number to some random guy she met. Although I doubted we would see him again after tonight. She got up from the table, flashed me a smile, and sauntered off with him, arms wrapped around each other, the lights flashing on and off of them, making them appear and disappear. I laughed.

        For a couple of minutes I sat at my table, laughing to myself. A couple of people walked over and tried to talk to me, but I was too out of it to care. Finally, thirsty, I walked back over to the refreshment table. I leaned against the white table, sipping on my drink,a sryupy sweetness lcling to my mouth, the feeling of dizziness quickly going from giddy to nauseating. It had been 15 minutes since I last saw Kat, the longest amount of time we've been separated in the club so far. For a first timer like myself, having someone as expirenced as Kat was incredibly helpful. I supposed that's why I let myself be carried off to party. Kat would keep me safe. 

        All of a sudden I felt someone's arms around me. "Stay steady, hun." A deep voice purred in my ear. "Someone slipped something into your drink. Walk with me outside." He wrapped his arms around me, smelling of cheap cologne and...grease? Something oily...mechanical...Not the usual sharp smell of metallic that a hard-core social would smell like, but something different. My curiosity was peaked now, and I was too unlucid to care that we were wrapped in an awkward embrace around the refreshment table. 

        "What do you mean?" I asked, my words slurring together. 

        "Let's get outside first." He mumbled against my ear. "We're under surveillance here."


        "Just. Wait. A. Minute." He said through clenched teeth. I couldn't see his face, but I felt a small purr of satisfaction at the fact that I had managed to annoy him. 

        We walked out into the cold night air. Shivers started to race up and down my arms as I could feel the buzz leaving my body.

        "Cold?" He asked., throwing his jacket over me. I huddled into it, not caring that he was some stranger, my attention more focused on how numb my whole body felt. 

        "It's a sign effect of some of the stuff they put in the cups." He said, turning to face me as he crunched his cup angrily, then tossed it out onto the street. I glared at him. 

        "You're not supposed to do that." I said. "It's against regulations."

        "A lot of what I do is against regulations." He said, smirking. But his expression quickly melted into seriousness as he blocked the entryway back into the club.

        "I want to go in." I said, my good mood disappearing. I tried to push back him, but as skinny as he was, I still couldn't get through. 

        "Don't you want to know why I dragged you out here?" He said. 

        "No." I said bluntly, and again tried to push my way in. 

        "Hmm, you find me irresistible don't you?" He said, grinning at me. I glared, and was tempted to throw the rest of the liguid in my cup at him. 

        "I just want to get back in and hang out with my friend." 

        "Kat?" He asked. I narrowed my eyes at him, realizing that he looked vaguely familiar. Blond hair...deep blue eyes... Ah. He was the guy Kat was hanging around with earlier. 

        "What have you done with her?" I said, my mind spinning with all sorts of horrible thoughts. He could have done so many terrible things to her in the time I was inside the club, completely numb...

        He threw his head back and laughed. "Me? Do anything to Kat?" He said. "She's one of the scariest people I know. I wouldn't touch her with a ten-foot pole unless I had to."

        "You were all over her earlier." I said. 

        He shrugged. "That was acting. Necessary in case we were spotted."

        "What?" I said, utterly confused. 

        "Don't you have any questions for me?" He said. 

        "I just want to go home." I said. 

        He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "No curiosity about what's going on whatsoever? That's sad. They must have trained it out of you."

        "WHO?" I finally gave in to his insistence and ask a question.

        He shrugged. "Society."

        "I swear to the heaven's above I am going to slap you." 

        He smirked. "Go ahead."

        I tried to cross my arms, but forgot I had a cup in my hand. I was tempted to throw it on the ground, but I held on to it in definance. "No. I think I'm going home instead." I sharply turned around, letting my dress flare out behind me. 

        His voice cut through the chilly night air. "Wait, what about Kat?"

        I paused in my departure, and turned slightly. "I'm sure she'll make her way back to our dorm." I continued on. 

        "I'll make plans to visit one day." His promise echoed through the air, and I could feel a shiver coming on, whether from the night air or his voice I could not decipher. 

        It was only when I was halfway back to the dorm that I realized I still had his jacket on. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2015 ⏰

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