Part 2; The bleaching girl

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I came to school one Tuesday morning, I just think Tuesdays aren't just my favourite part of the week.. because of the bleaching matter..

Due to the long summer break, let's just say I got fairer. I was the kind of girl whose parents gave strict rules not to go outdoors..
So my routine was pretty much, eat, go to school and go to church on was the same thing all over again.

Tiwa was the only friend that I was allowed to visit at home and it wasn't for leisure or pleasure. My parents allowed me to go to her house only if I had to copy assignments or copy a note...
So I was pretty much stuck inside the house during the holiday.

I didn't go outdoors ,thus protecting my skin from the harsh rays of the sun. The melanin in my skin was reduced and I became fairer..

So back to my reason for hating Tuesdays.

"Damini?" Asked Rebecca, one of my classmates

"Did you change your body lotion "

" why do you ask?"

" well you're lighter ... lighter than the usual "

" I don't quite follow "

" well whatever body lotion you're using stop it"

"what are you insinuating?"

" look D.M" that was my nickname
" not all people can be fair like me, don't damage your skin 'cos you want to be fair "

" what! You think I'm bleaching??" I asked astonished

In Nigeria, when people tell you that you bleached your skin it's kinda like being diagnosed with leprosy . They look at you with disgusted eyes and see you as a societal abomination. I have caramel skin, and when you do not expose this type of skin tone to the sun for a long period of time , the result is ....viola,  a lighter shade .
I felt like someone had knocked me over the head with a spade.. I mean how dare she

" look it is none of your damn business what I do, stay out of my business "

" woah chillax, I'm just pulling your legs "

" well you do not joke about matters that can hurt people's feelings "

" I said it was a joke... I'm sorry "

Then I let it go.. after someone has apologised to you ,you let it go. Right? Right?
But after 2 days , I found out that that moron wasn't 'joking'. I pass a classroom and the next thing I hear is..

" is that the bleaching girl?" said in hushed tones
I turn back, and they all look around like they didn't just say anything...
Tuesday was one of the worst day of the week of my life..
Guess what happened?
Our Government teacher ( I know you call them history teachers over there, but here it's government) finishes with the lesson and ask me to take her stuff to the staff room...
When I get there;
" Hey you , aren't you the bleaching girl?"

I wanted to turn and give that idiot a piece of my mind... turns out that idiot was a teacher, so I held my tongue.

" hey are you really bleaching, you should really stop it's bad for your skin "

" why aren't people ever content with what they have?"

" I actually preferred her old skin... spoilt child"

This was what I kept hearing over and over again, and worse it was from the teachers I couldn't defend myself against them because they were adults and it was a taboo to speak against them
So, I politely walked away to avoid confrontations. Not that there would be any but I wouldn't like to add " rude bleaching girl" to the list of names I already have.

" I can't believe it, they did that to you?" My best friend asks me

" Yeah! " I replied sobbing " I'm so sick and tired of it. Tiwa do you think I'm bleaching?"

" of course not darl' "

" 'Cos if you think so you can tell me, I can definitely handle it.."

" Don't be silly , those people are morons.
Geez people can be mean at times"

" Thanks, it really means a lot to me that you support me"

"Don't sweat it baby girl. One for all and all for one "

We laughed at her imitation of the 3 musketeers slogan

" Besides, I'm gonna teach that punk Rebecca a lesson. Do you know she has herpes?"

" No way... Rebecca the saint has Herpes? Have you forgotten that she's a children teacher in her church?"

" So? She ain't no saint, all I know is that she should stop sticking her nose in other people's businesses when in fact she's walking around with a STD "

" That's why I love you Tiwa.. ever the savage one "

She laughs
I wouldn't know what I would have done without my friend, I mean we all need friends at a point right?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2020 ⏰

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