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=We love the ones who hurt us and hurt the ones who love us. We want the ones who ignore us and ignore the ones who want us.=


💀Marco's POV💀

My grip tightens around the glass as Erik grabs Helen's champagne off of the table. I observe him as he gulps down the bubbly liquid in one swallow, my want to mentally kill him dying down a bit.

"I'm sorry okay? Don't look at me that way" Erik sighs and moves his left hand through his slightly messy hair.


I direct my eyes to my cristalglass, noticing a tiny bit of champagne is left at the bottom.

"I really like her, you know?"

"I do, too" I say and press my hand infront of my mouth a second later, not quite believing what I just said.

"You, the great Marco Reus, and liking a girl? Doesn't really fit if you ask me" Erik scoffs and furrows his eyebrows at me.

"Shut up du Arschloch!" I hiss and lean against the couch, "It's your freaking fault that the most beautiful and amazing girl I've ever met is not mine yet"

Erik laughs sarcastically as he turns around to face me amused.

"The most beautiful and amazing girl you've ever met? Aren't those the words you say everytime an attractive girl walks by?"

"You little-" I yell and storm over to punch him in the face as suddenly somebody grabs me from behind to prevent me from damaging Erik's angelic looks.

"Stop it. Both of you" Mats sounds not pleased as he lets go of me, shaking his head in disbelief.

"But he-" Erik starts but Mats gestures him to listen.

"You both were the bestest friends before this," he cuts himself off and searches for words, "girl came along"

"First of all," I speak up, turning around to glance at Mats, "she isn't just any girl, and second, Erik doesn't get the fact that the one who's seen her first is the one who gets her, obviously. And you have to be oblivious to think that she isn't attracted to me"

I may sound quite arrogant but it's just the truth; her body responds to every single one of my actions, no matter if I say something or even touch her lightly.

"We have a bet" Erik says cooly, glaring at me, "and on the other hand, you are being ein arroganter Idiot!"

Mats rolls his eyes before speaking up again.

"Fine, do what you think is right but as soon as we aren't in Berlin anymore you have to forget about her, alright?"

I look over to Erik quickly as I wait for him to reply but he simply glances at me.

If we are promising to let her go, we will never see her again.

Mats obviously thinks it's all about an one night stand when the truth is that my heartbeat is getting faster when I just look at her and the way she moves.

I swallow hardly and cross my fingers behind my back.

"I promise"

"Me too" Erik mumbles quickly, directing his eyes to Mats.

"That's great boys, see you around" Mats smiles gladly and really seems as if he hasn't noticed anything.

I watch him walking away and think of methods to make Helen fall for me.

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