Chapter 4

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I had been a bit frightened after realizing that the clothes fit perfectly. Had they really known that much about me while I hadn't known they existed? Well, hadn't known the entire Grey family existed, that is.

A deafening roar came from Mother's bedroom, quickly followed by the sound of glass shattering. I would have to sweep that up later.

I tiptoed steadily towards Mother's room, but I couldn't make out what she was shouting on about. More smashing and thumps came from Mother's room, but I didn't move an inch—besides my exiguous flinches. I'd always felt apprehension around mother, especially after she was angered—that's when Mother did the most damage.

"She is not compatible with him!" Mother screamed. I stepped outwards from the door. Either she had raised the volume of her voice, or she was moving much closer than me. I had prayed it wasn't the latter since I would have no explanation for why I had been eavesdropping. Mother would punish me for invading her privacy, but I couldn't control my persistent inquisitiveness.

"Christian needs someone who will submit to him—who will always be there at his beck and call. That's what he needs!" Mother demystified towards no one in particular. Mother growled, and right as I expected Mother to continue her shouting, her phone rang.

Immediately, Mother picked up. "Christian," she greeted with a false sweetness. "Have you finally conceded that you need a true submissive? I have many waiting for my call. I could get you a perfect girl in a few hours at most."

Christian's response was unintelligible, but it must not have been appreciated by Mother since she answered him with a low growl.

"Ana will never be who you need," Mother argued. "I can find you someone that will submit—someone that will embrace our lifestyle. Ana—well Ana is not, and will never be that person, and I am so sorry about that. I know you've taken a liking to her, but that will all fall into pieces, just you wait."

Mother stood quietly other than her scoffing. Christian's voice had raised, but I still was not able to make out what he had been saying.

"You cannot love her Christian! You married a woman that you can never love! Don't you understand that?" Mother shouted. "It is not fair to you, it is not fair to Ana, and it is definitely not fair to your children." Mother began laughing, a cold, dark, bitter laugh. "Good lord, I can't believe you had children with that exploiter."

"Shut the fuck up," I heard Christian say, and I knew he must've been screaming at Mother. "Just because your marriage was fucked up and now you're sick-minded and alone with a child, doesn't mean my relationship with Ana will be the same. So, mind your own goddamn business, Elena. Stay out of my life."

Christian must've hung up because Mother burst out of her bedroom with rage in her eyes. She looked to me, eyes darkening and lips pressing together. Her hands became fists as her face reddened.

"You deserve much worse than the punishment I am going to give you."


I shot awake, sweat dripping down my face and my breathing going faster than a racehorse. Where am I? The large bed I was laying in could've swallowed me whole, just like the room could do to the bed. I wasn't home—no room in my old house could ever be this large.

Christian's house. That's where I was. No Mother here to hurt or degrade me. Just Christian and his family, here to care and protect me.

I rose out of bed and fixed the mess my hair had become overnight the best I could. Still wearing my pajamas, I stepped out of my room and into the hallway. Despite Ana bringing me upstairs, I had no clue as to where the kitchen was. All I knew was that I was very, very hungry. At that moment I would've relished any food, rotten or not. Mother had rarely fed me any food of good quality—usually only rotten fruits and meat, maybe mushrooms once and a while, ended up on my plate. Perhaps—no, of course—the Grey's would feed me tasteful food.

I walked down the hallway, and was soon overjoyed to see the staircase leading to the first floor. I walked down, slightly afraid that my socked feet would slip and I would fall down the endless steps. That would be one heck of an alarm if any of the Greys were still asleep. I didn't think they would mind, though. If I had fallen Ana likely would have been at my side, cradling me and ensuring that I wasn't injured. Christian would've called all the expensive doctors even after I said I was all right, just to make sure. Phoebe and Teddy wouldn't have laughed or mocked me—but only joke while still making sure they didn't cross any lines. Mother, on the other hand, would not be so kind. She would scold me for waking her up from her peaceful sleep, and bringing her into the terrible world that had been created once I was born. She would've pulled me by the wrist, not caring if she left a bruise, and brought me into the room that scared me most. She called it a playroom, but I found no joy in it. Inside, she would've grabbed one of her belts or whips and hit me, making me count each and say how worthless I was. It had all seemed so normal, so natural. I had never once thought that what Mother had been doing was abusive—not until Christian had said so himself.

Christian. Without him, I could've been dead in months. Maybe even weeks. Not on the outside—but on the inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2020 ⏰

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