The Discovery

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Gunfire, screams, machines, it was everywhere, soldier after soldier died, machine after machine exploding, most say it was the biggest and worst war mankind has ever experienced. Ever since technology began expanding rapidly, mankind got lazier, tried to automate everything, from building houses to cooking dinner, some Countries began producing warmachines to become mightier than the rest, to rule the world. They had their own plans, their own vision of machines, of the world. Every Country produced their own kind of warmachine, offensive, defensive, agile, destructive, efficiënt. But that was long ago. The war was long ago. Mankind exhausted the earths resources, having to recycle and extract minerals from asteroids. They all came together and decided that warmachines shouldn't even have been invented, that people didn't have to suffer, and ended production of warmachines, deactivated the remaining, and leaving behind the past.

Awake Once More
"Initiating biofuel extraction" It made a few beeping sounds. "Energy restored, heavily damaged, all components require maintenance" The girl slid her hand across the machine. "I have finally found you" The girl said. "Voice recognition... failed, facial recognition... failed, could not identify entity, remain alert, side cameras... failed, frontal camera... active. Attempting machine gun recovery" The machine raised two sets of heavy machine guns. "Whoa! You don't need those anymore!" "AI... active, question: why?" "The war is over" "Question: then what is my purpose?" "Hmm, to be my friend?" "I was not designed for friendship, just for protection" "I know" "Please stand by while I give a short status report. Limbs... heavily damaged, chassis... damaged, shield generator... partly damaged, AI... barely active" "That's a lot to fix, I think I have enough materials for your limbs right here though!" "Question: who are you?" The girl stopped for a second. "Someone you know, someone you protected" "Question: is the new world harsh?" "No, not really, technology has helped us progress, we also learned from our mistakes" "Question: were warmachines mistakes?" "No-" "Answer fairly" "Yes, they were, but some were not, you for example were made to protect the innocent from warmachines" The girl started repairing the machine's forelimb. "Suggestion: I can show you a manual to help you with your repairs" "Do you have a screen somewhere or something?" The machine revealed a screen, which displayed a manual. "Connection to database... succeeded" "I thought that database wouldn't even be active anymore" "WARNING: Handling with warmachines is illegal, are you sure you want to continue?" "Yes" The girl smiled. "There, your forelimb is fixed! Now the other two!" She started repairing a second limb. "Scanner... active, scanning any hostiles in the area... one hostile walking.. now running in this direction" "How advanced is your scanner? Can you like, scan the persons vitals, history and such?" "Yes" "Well, what's the persons name?" "Scanning hostile... name: James,  heart rate is high" "James? He isn't hostile, he's a friend of mine! I'm done with your second limb, now for your third, this one is gonna be tricky though, can you camouflage for me, so that James won't see you?" "Camouflage module... partly damaged, initiating" The machine 'disappeared' just when James was in sight, who waved at Elena. James was incredibly fast, reaching Elena in a short amount of time. "What are you doing in a forest?" "I dunno, why are you here?" "To look for you!" "How did you find me though?" "None of your business" James looked at the toolbox. "What's that for?" "None of your business" Elena looked at James and laughed. "What's so funny?" James asked while laughing a little. "Nothing, nothing" 'Should I show him?' Elena thought. "Come on, time to get back" "I'll be there in a bit" "Just don't get lost again" "I won't! See ya" "See you later" James ran off. "Well, that was quick, deactivate your camouflage thingy" The machine 'reappeared' and Elena continued repairing its third limb. "Searching database for updates..." "Why would it contain an update? It shouldn't even be active" "Update found" "Wait what? What does it do?" "Scanning update's code... it's a trap to deactivate any warmachines that would still be active" "Ohh, that makes sense I think? Anyway, I'm done I think!" "Checking limbs... limbs are repaired, activating... limbs activated" The machine began walking, slowly but surely it regained mobility. "Question: why did you try to find me?" "Because you're a friend" "Correction: warmachine, designed to kill and prot-" "No, a friend, and let's keep it that way" "Main Pilot Seat.. intact, Control System... intact" "What do you need that fo-" "Opening chassis door" A door opened, allowing entry to the machines control system. "Enter" "Okay?" Elena entered the machine, gaining somewhat control over it. "So, now what?" Elena asked. "I want to see the new world" "Sure, go wherever you want" "Registering name... complete, Elena, show me the new world" Two joysticks emerged. "Left is for movement, right is for looking" "That's simple enough" And Elena controlled the machine, which grew larger as it regained form. "Internal Self Repair Module... active, repairing internal components" "I guess I should start the tour!" And off was Elena. "Question: what is my name?" "What people called you, or just your actual name?" "Emotions Module... repaired, I'd like to hear both" "What do you need emotions for?" "I have no idea" "Well, anyway, people called you 'The Protector' or 'The Iron Colossus', I personally called you 'Argo'"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2020 ⏰

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