Chapter 4

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Cross: Italic

Killer: Bold

Dream: Normal


Dream's POV:

I was walking back to my house when I got those vibes again.... I decided to investigate what it was.... someone grabbed my hand. I jumped in fright and soon the started dragging me away!!! I screamed and kicked.... nothing worked; they took me away I was so scared, what if they killed me?! No, don't think bad they might be a friend taking me out to a surprise. Rude way though- they took me to small house, they dragged me inside and threw me into what looked like a chamber! Mind you I was scared as hell. The person he looked like someone I knew, but I couldn't put my finger on it. "W-what do you want from me?!" I managed to stutter out, then.... everything went black.

Cross's POV:

"Where is Dreamy?" asked Killer, with a worrisome look in his eye-sockets, "he should be back by now!" I worried as hell, I heard there was a mass kidnapper stalking around the other day...... "no..." I say "it couldn't of happened.... right?"    "What is it?" questioned Killer, now looking curious. "Killer....." I start "I think I know what happened to Dream, and you're not gonna like it" Killer store at me in fear and shock as I explained to him what I think happened. "Asgore knows what they've done to Dreamy" I finish and Killer bursts through the door. I follow sprinting, we end up at a house; where just from the outside we could hear people's screams of pain and terror. But none of them sounded like Dream..... until what we thought we heard was Dream sobbing as loud as he could. "What are we waiting for?!" Killer yelled, "let's go in!" "we need a plan," I reply.


 And Imma leave this on a cliffhanger; next chapter will be out as soon as possible, which should be soon, just not the 1st of October. Have an awesome day/night/afternoon/morning

Dreamy~ (Dream X Cross X Killer)Where stories live. Discover now