Chapter 1- Unwilling

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THE NOISY train station didn't help Gertrude's nerves at all. Looking behind her for her parents, she found them not far away sending her wide excited smiles. Gertrude tried and failed to smile back, her nervousness only increasing. Her parents had rushed up to the school upon hearing the news. She sighed as she remembered the afternoon that she had read the letter.

    "What?", all her dorm mates screamed, taking the letter from her to read.

    Gertrude thought over what it had said,

    Dear Ilvermorny student,

        We at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry are proud to announce that you, Gertrude Fatbottom, have been chosen for our student exchange program. This program allows for students from Ilvermorny and various other wizarding schools to attend Hogwarts for a year, and you may even choose to stay after the school year has ended.

The school term starts September 1st. In this letter is also the list of supplies needed for the term.

We hope to see you there!


Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

"It has to be a prank from the boys, don't worry Gertrude. We will get them back good", Carolynn said, coming to comfort Gertrude.

Gertrude nodded and smiled, and went to return to her homework, only to be interrupted again by a voice over the intercom.

"Can Michael Castel, May Carter, Gertrude Fatbottom, Liam Wheels", The voice went on listing a couple more names, but Gertrude couldn't seem to listen, " And any other exchange students, please come down to the administrator's office."

The girl's sent each other worried looks, as Gertrude got up and headed down to the office.

At the office Gertrude learned that it hadn't been a prank from the boys and even worse that her parents were making her go. So, forced away from her best friends and America, Gertrude traveled to London with her parents.

Her parents touched her shoulder, pulling Gertrude out of her thoughts and she realized that they were in front of platform 9 ¾. She watched as a dark haired boy and red-headed boy ran into it. They were quickly followed by more redheaded children. Gertrude gulped, realizing it was her turn. She made sure she had a good grip on her cart, and backed up. Her hands were sweaty as she realized that once she made it through that wall there was no turning back until the end of the school year. Taking a deep breath Gertrude ran towards the wall.

Gertrude hadn't realized she had been holding her breath, until she made it through the wall. She again looked behind her to find her parents running through after her. They gave her more excited smiles, which she only half returned. The family walked together to one of the entrances on the train. Mrs. Fatbottom handed Gertrude the cat carrier she had been carrying. As a plea for forgiveness for making her go, her parents had gotten her a cat. Gertrude lifted the carrier looking inside at Reese's, her new black cat. Reese's was sprawled out inside, surprisingly calm. She gave hugs to her parents  and giving one last look behind boarded the train.

Moving through the narrow train corridor was harder to Gertrude's large stature. However, she continued on looking for an open seat to sit in. She finally found a compartment with an open seat, she walked in. In the compartment were three boys, one was about Gertrude size with a blank look on his face. Next to him was a skinny boy and finally the last boy had white hair and pale skin.

"Hi I am Gertrude Fatbottom, can I sit here?" She asked politely, pointing at the empty seat.

The white hair boy laughed, "As if we would ever let a disgusting elephant sit here, you mudblood"

Gertrude's face turned red as the two boys in the car joined in the white haired boys laughter.

"Yeah, well you're doing me a favor, now I realize that no one would want to sit next to your skinny racist white butt, and for your information I am a pureblood, not that should change your racist views though", said Gertrude as she slammed the compartment door shut.

Gertrude saw red as she stomped down the corridor to find a new apartment. It wasn't the fact that he had called her a mudblood that angered her, it was that because he was a skinny pureblood white boy he was above her.

Finally, Gertrude found a completely empty compartment. She roughly put her stuff down, and Animal Cracker squawked at her for it.

"I am sorry buddy, I shouldn't have taken my anger out like that", said Gertrude kneeling down in front of the Bald Eagle.

Gertrude made sure to give him a treat and some extra pets as an apology. After calming Animal Cracker, she turned to Reese's and let her out to stretch. Taking a bag of animal crackers from her robe, Gertrude plopped down on a seat. Reese's immediately crawled into her lap to try and steal a cracker. Gertrude was happy to finally have a moment to herself, today had been a rollercoaster and it wasn't even lunchtime yet!

Suddenly, Gertrude was pulled out of her thoughts by the compartment door opening. A bushy haired girl stuck her head in.

"Can my friends and I come sit with you?", asked the girl.

"Sure", said Gertrude

"I am Hermoine Granger and these are my friends Ron Weasley and Harry Potter. What's your name?"

"Hi, I am Gertrude Fatbottom and it's a pleasure to meet you guys. The eagle here is named Animal Cracker and the cat is named Reese's."


"I am so excited we are almost there guys!", Hermine said.

"I don't mean to be rude, Gertrude, but I am very surprised you haven't asked me about my scar, yet" Harry said.

Gertrude gave him a weird look, "Why would I ask about your scar? That's usually super rude."

"Do you not know who Harry is?", Ron asked.

"Why would I?"

"Harry is only one of the most important wizards, he beat you-know-who when he was only a baby!"

"OH! I vaguely remember learning about him once, but I don't remember much. Our teacher had a very thick Boston accent and it was right before lunch, so I wasn't really paying attention."

They all gave her weird looks, but before they could ask any questions the train stopped and they all had to get off. Gertrude was reluctant to leave Animal Cracker and Reese's, but she followed the instructions of the teachers and left them in their carriers at the compartment.

Finally, being able to step off the train was very nice, the journey had been long. Looking around she found a large bearded guy calling the first years and transferring students over to him. She saw a group of the other students from Ilvermorny and quickly joined them. They all talked excitedly about the journey over and Gertrude tried to join, but felt out of her element somehow. Luckily, she didn't have to talk for too long as the guy introduced himself as Hagrid and led them over to a lake with boats. Gertrude felt embarrassed when she was put in a boat by herself, because of her weight. However, she tried to push past that feeling and threw insults at the snickers from the other students.

Soon, the snickers stopped as everyone was amazed at the looming castle coming closer and closer. Gertrude swallowed as she looked up the big castle. It was beautiful, but across the lake it had felt smaller. Now it was up close and so big, and for once Gertrude Fatbottom felt small. 

Hey guys, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. I am a fulltime student so my upload schedule might be wacky. As always credit for Gertrude Fatbottom (and some of the plot points in this chapter) goes to @muckenzie on tiktok, you should definitely check her out! And the rest of the characters and the world goes to Jane C. Rocking... Uh I meant uggh JK Rowling *gags*.

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