Chapter 2

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Many things come with the wonderful month of January. New Years. People sill pretending to be in the fake holiday spirit. The calm, nice snow outside. My birthday. Speaking of, my birthday happens to fall on the very first day of January, New Years day.

Most of the time my father is neve here. Of course he would be at some other people's gala for New Years eve and usually does not come back until 5 AM the other day. Drunk, careless and unaware that his twins are turning 19, merely turning into the young women that we were set out to be . On the other hand though, our mother always found a way to make us feel special on this annual day. Granted our mother was without a doubt our best friend. She has always cared for us and supported us in every single life desicion we would ever come across and that is why this birthday our mother was giving us a one way ticket to england.

She has somehow decided that there was too much happening and going on in sweet, sweet home America. I guess that our mother followed her incredible motherly instincts and sensed the uneasy feeling we always ended up getting when we were around people, people that could simply not care less about our personalities , but weather our stand in life is at the top or the botto. People that will not care if I die but would care if the funeral is set in a amazing place with green geass and a shining sun, perfect weather and the drinks we serve won't be too hot. And thst is why our amazing mother is willing to set me and and my twin free, free from this excuse of a world we are living in.

we leave in a day.

We were all packed up, ready to get out of this place. Adrenaline was coursing it's way through my veins as the thought of me finally leaviing comes to mind. It was simply something unbelievable, out of my mind that I was leaving. I was leaving with my sister, my twin, my other half that I completley could not live without and I was estatic that we are going to be able to be together in this journey to a new life.

We cascade down the grand staircase for one last time. our suitcases stuck tot our hands and we finally meet our mother at the end of the staircase.
"Girls, I want you to listen, these tickets go to a small place in England called Bradford. You will be staying with one of my old friends from college, her name is Trisha Malik, she has three lovely dauughters and a son, she is willing to let you guys stay with her for just enough time for you to get jobs and then move into your own apartment together okay?" Our mother tells us the information right as our eyes meet hers.

We nod briefly in response and then she quickly pulls us in for a hug. Her arms are on either one of our shoulders ingulfing us in one of her mama bear hugs, her motherly scent hits me reminding me of just how much I am going to miss her. We pull away from the act of affection and make our way to the front door, we say goodbye one last time and I feel the wet substance of tears gathering at the bottom of my eyes, threatning to spill but I blink them away.

I knew that I was going to miss my mother but I also knew that she was just a phone call away and we would always stay in touch. It was better this way, better for me and Lydia, better for us to start a new life and finally stop being judged for once in our lives and our mother knew thst amd that is exactly why she is letting us go.

A wave of comftrable silence falls over me and Lydia, and knowing my twin something was wrong , she is never quiet. "Whats worng?" I ask her worriedly, rubbing my hand up and down her arm soothingly.

"Nothing, I'm just tired"

"You woke up like two hours ago." I retort back

"It's just- I don't know" She sighs

A thought comes to mind and my heart instantly starts beating faster and the smile that was once on my face is quickly replaced with a frown because I'm hoping what is wrong with her is not what I actually think is wrong with her... I guess there is only one way to find out right?

"Lydia do you like... you know... not want to go to England with me?" I ask hesitantly hoping that my thoughts are wrong.

"What? NO! No that's not it, it's just you know we are leaving mom behind and I'm just not very fond of that Idea." She admits to me as we drive through the snnowy roads towards the airport.
"Well you do know that I hate leaviing mom behind just as much as you do, and I'm sure she's gonna come and visit us soon but we have to do this, if not for us, then for mom." I tell Lydia , my eyes going going from her to the road. Maybe Lydia should have been the one driving, I suck at this.

Knowing that I am right Lydia sighs back in defeat and I can physically feel her body relax a little.

"Now smile, this is going to be fun" I encourage her and I can see her crack a smile from the corner of my eyes.


Since we have arrived at the airport all the way from there till we got on the airplane the only source of entertainment we had was to fool around and mess with random strangers. I cannot believe that people actually thought that we were airport security and let us searcch their bags. It really was fun to let loose a little and forget about all the bullshit that goes on in my life and just enjoy time with my sister. But here we are on a very long airplane ride to England, I mean this is crazy. But I like crazy. And this is a new crazy.

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