Why are you doing this? Ch. 2

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(Over to Toby and the knights)
(Toby was running in the forest and the knights were right behind him)
Knight 1: Seize him!
(Toby kept going over and under random branches within his path, but the knights were still gaining on him)
Knight 1: If I hunt down one of the Seven Creepypasta Sins, it'll look really good for me! If I do that, I'll finally be made an apprentice Holy Knight!
(One of the knights were pushed and fell down)
Knight 1: What was that?! What's going on?
(they looked behind them and saw LJ charging at them with fire in his eyes)
Knight 2: The clown is attacking us!
(That just got LJ more mad and he went even faster, he kicked and pushed every one of them)
Knight 1: No! Go away, go away! Stay away from me!
(The knight was still running but he stopped right at the edge of a cliff)
Knight 1: wait where's the boy?
(LJ pushed the last knight off of the cliff, he yelled on his way down and LJ just huffed)
(Over with Toby and Ivery)
(They were up in a tree and Ivery was feeling his fluffy hair ☺️)
Toby: I'm not really sure how I can thank you for saving helping me not once, but twice.
(Ivery just hummed while playing with his hair. LJ just looked up at them and sighed putting a hand on his head)
(Once they got down from the tree)
Ivery: So, why are you searching for the Seven Creepypasta Sins?
Toby: I want their help to stop the Holy Knights.
LJ: *wait. Stop them for what? The Holy Knights are heroes. They are the protectors of Woods!*
A/N: that is the name of the kingdom: "The kingdom of Woods" it's kinda weird I know, but like I think Tobias Woods sounds cool.
Toby: But what if they were preparing to start a war in this country?
(Ivery just stared intently while Toby was speaking)
Toby: The other day, the entire royal family except for the king was arrested by the Holy Knights.
(Ivery's face softened and turned into one of confusion)
LJ: *So the king isn't in bed sick?*
(Toby shook his head while looking down)
Toby: That's just a cover up story that the Holy Knights have been circulating. I don't know what they intend to accomplish by starting a war. But now their taking people from the kingdom and surrounding villages, making preparations slowly but surely. Their reach will probably extend to this area soon.
LJ: *wait really?*
Ivery: wow that sounds bad.
(She said with her arms folded still looking at Toby)
LJ: *Is that really all you have to say?*
Ivery: So what does this have to do with the Seven Creepypasta Sins?
Toby: If there's even the slightest hope of stopping the Holy Knights, I know they're the only ones who can!
Ivery: Wait. Just making sure, you're trying to find those guys even though you know what king of people they are?
Toby: The Seven Creepypasta Sins..... The mightiest, most vile order of knights the kingdom has even produced, made up of seven deadly and terrible criminals, each one with the mark of a beast branded on their bodies. Ten years ago, when they were suspected of treason against the kingdom, the knights of the realm launched a full force attack scattering them to the four winds.
Ivery: Well, if you believe the rumors they each died a long time ago.
Toby: Such amazing people couldn't possibly die that easily!
Ivery: But they are criminals, aren't they?
Toby: It's the Holy Knights who are really causing the people to suffer!
(Tears were threatening to pour out of his eyes)
Toby: Long ago, when I was 5 or 6 years old, my father would tell me stories about them all the time. And that's when I learned how they were the mightiest knights, The Seven Creepypasta Sins!
(A loud sound caused Toby to stop and all of them to focus their attention to finding where the sound came from. The big of land that they were on was sliding down and off the cliff. Toby just yelled and LJ just crossed his arms looking pissed)
Sir Twigo: Oh whoops. I forgot to see if they were the people in the report.
This is Twigo:

 This is Twigo:

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