1. Keith

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      "'Fear not my friends!'" the actor impersonating a very poorly dressed Robin Hood boomed satirically from on top of a stage box. He gracefully leaps off and reached with his leather gloved hands around to the quiver holding a sparse amount of prop arrows, and proceeds to shoot a perfect bullseye. The crowd gasps in amazement as the thud of the arrow echoed and hit the center point of the target across the stage.

      I turned my head to look at Shiro sitting next to me, uncomfortably cramped into the small high school auditorium plastic seats. I saw his eyes wide and jaw slack as he stared at the actor on the apron of the stage. If I was being honest, despite his awful acting skills making me regret my decision in attending this stupid school play, his shooting definitely had potential... if nothing else. Guessing by the look on Shiro's face, he was thinking the same thing I was. 

      "'This will be my greatest performance,'" he boastfully exclaimed, head-turning to flash a dashing smile towards the audience, hand on his hip, and leaning over his propped up knee. 


     This boy is obviously full of himself and clearly trying to swoon the audience when he should be taking this more seriously. I turn to the printer paper knock-off playbill in my hand and open it to find the name of this atrocious kid playing Robin Hood: Lance McClain. I sigh heavily and sink further down in my seat, dreading the next hour of my existence. 


     The applause signals the end of this horrid play and family and friends arise from their seats, eager to meet the actors outside the backstage door. Without hesitation, I rose from my seat and shuffled behind Shiro, hands in my front pockets. The only reason Shiro and I even came to see this... interesting rendition of Robin Hood was because Allura, a long family friend of Shiro's, happened to be Marian, the love interest. Allura's family stood proudly with tears streaming down their gorgeously sculpted faces as Shiro proceed to walk in their direction. Allura's father, head of the Garrison, invited Shiro to come and see his beloved daughter's play she is in. Shiro being the gentleman he is, agreed and forced me to tag along because I needed to "escape my room."

     "Shiro--You came!" Alfor's voice thundered in our direction. "And you brought your brother, Keith!" I tried not to appear like I absolutely hated my life at the moment, and so I offered a small smile and wave. I am not technically Shiro's brother, but he took me in back when I was just a kid. So, yeah, he is my brother. 

     "I wouldn't want to miss it for the world Alfor." Shiro kindly said as he shook Alfor's extended hand. "She did a great job. Wouldn't expect any less from her." He confidently huffed and as a group, we all began to walk to the exit toward the backstage door. 

      Immediately, I spotted the obnoxious boy who played Robin Hood practically being drowned in a sea of small kids tackling him. It looked like his entire family was there to support him, even his extended family if I were to guess. He looked so joyed to see them. His smile was genuine and it formed soft wrinkles by his deep cobalt eyes. The kids screamed, "Uncle Lance!" and they continued to latch themselves dramatically around his slender body, afraid to let go, as if he would let them.

      I suddenly, for only a split second, felt the urge to join in and wrap my arms around him too, feel that warmth that seemed the radiate off of him. With the looks on those kids' faces, I wondered just how great this boy could really be. What does his warmth feel like? 

      Snapping me out of my rude stare, Allura came bolting at me, arms extended like she was ready to pounce, "KEITHHH!" Her silver hair was swaying with every leap she took, looking as gorgeous as ever, and before long, her arms were painfully tightened around my neck. 

     "Hey, 'lura," I choked out as her father's laugh rumbled through my body. I have known Allura for years and because of Shiro's endless persistence, Allura is my closest friend. She jumped up and down and dragged my body along with hers. 

     "I didn't think you'd come!" Allura wailed into my ear a little too loud and I chuckle in response. "What'd you think?" Finally, she separated from the death grip hug and I could finally catch my breath only to have it caught in my throat again after I processed her question. Before I could answer, the stick of a boy came jogging over with a smile plastered on his slim face. 

     "Allura! Great job tonight, seriously," he said in his non-Robin-Hood-voice which was sightly higher and less articulate from before. He wasn't wearing his feather hat now and his coffee hair looked disheveled and going in every direction physically possible. "but we all know who was the real star tonight." Teasingly, he turned his face away to look at me in the eyes and winked. I stared blankly at his tanned face.

     "Shut up!" Allura giggled and playfully shoved a laughing Lance away, making him stumble back to catch his balance. "You know you sucked." She continued, both of them chuckling comfortably, clutching their guts tightly. My gaze shifted back and forth, watching their interaction, wondering if I should speak.

     "Oh! Lance-" Allura popped her head up and motioned to me trailing slightly behind her. "This is my friend Keith!" I stand there like a deer in headlights, not sure what I should say or do. Why would she do this to me?

     Lance turns to eye me and without any hesitation, he says, "Nice to meet ya, mullet!" and flashes another one of his flawless smiles. I was so busy staring at his face that I did not process what he said.

     "What's up- wait, what?" Did this dude just call me 'mullet?' 

      "You have a mullet, so I just thought, ya know..." Lance trailed off, suddenly having a hard time figuring out what to say. "...uh what did you think of the show?" he asked putting his hand on his left hip, offering a kind, but awkward smile.

      Do I be honest with him? I mean, I barely know the guy. Maybe I should lay it on easy.

      Yeah... Yes. 

      He would not want to hear that I didn't like his show. But why would he care about my opinion? Maybe he's super sensitive and can't take the heat. I really do not want to lie to him though. That would put us on bad footing if I were to ever meet this guy again. Oh my god, I am overthinking this. I will just say something nice-

    "You were annoying."

      Before I could even think, the words shot out of my mouth and loud enough for the entire universe to hear. Lance just stared at me with a wide-eyed expression, clearly hurt. 

      Holy shit, why did I say that? Lance is going to hate me forever. 

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